Anyone know of any LGBT friendly communities?

It’s a video game. Who the heck is going to care about your sexuality ?

Way back you stated it was about your friend’s lisp.


It’s like it doesn’t matter in game … at all.


Magic I know

Lmao!!! 100% on board with you. No one has ever questioned if I was gay or not even when I have said “my boyfriend and I” No one has time to give a sht about that stuff.


No, you are trolling because that’s not true either. Everyone labeling these servers as this or that don’t even know who is playing on them. I suppose it’s just cool to call people bigots, so by all means, jump on the bandwagon.

Herod #forthegays

Okay i understand and I don’t. But if I get closer with guildmates and they ask me what my weekend plans are and I say it’s going to a movie with my boyfriend they will know my sexuality without me talking about it. I would not join a guild and loudly announce it to everyone.

lol my post saying to “end these BS posts” got removed?

Yet this ridiculous thread remains?


Just go to the guild recruitments part of the forum and start a thread and make a guild. You can make a discord and weed out the trolls by the time classic hits and you can all discuss faction and server ect.

Asking which server is the lgbt friendly one is honestly just asking the trolls to attack you. You not only hung up a sign that said troll here but you’ve been feeding them too. Unless this is a troll in and of itself then bravo.

It’s 2019 not 1919 nobody will care.

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I remember as a teen the fad was just Dyslexia and Anorexia and Depression…


Just say you are going to the movies with your partner.

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Why didn’t you post in one of the many other threads on this topic?


You say that and I wan’t to believe you, but sadly my experiences tell me otherwise.

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Well you don’t have to worry about it. Herod is for the gay community

I am so sick of this trash bleeding in to my game and my forums. inflammatory posts like this one, the opposie one, and people who post them should be permabanned. Blizz should put me in charge of banning people here. I’d do it for free and clean this place up quicker than they could ever imagine.


Then you adjust and adapt to the environment.

SO, partner, etc.

I am sorry that you have hit people that care about that while playing WoW, but honestly in 13 yrs and a bunch of guilds over the years none of the people I’ve ever played with would care.

Do you, but I posted a link earlier to the guild listings forum which may help you choose a guild.

I appreciate your help and will go check it out.

This is a troll thread.

Well I was hoping for a quick answer and aside from the story forums I never really use the forums so I wasn’t privy to this turning into a dumpster fire. I didn’t really take the time to search which was my bad.