Anyone in that Epic IoC just now? (4/14/19 midnight EST)

I know some people hate drawn out games, but I just got out of an epic hour-long IoC that ended with reinforcements. Something I haven’t seen since… I’m not sure I ever did.

Alliance outplayed us initially, but we managed to wipe them while they were on our boss, and then get poor Agmar up to 100%. Meanwhile a few guys chipped the last few percent from their door.

We had no actual tank so our hands were kind of tied. We tried their boss anyways but we eventually wiped.

The rest of the game was give and take, with us exchanging nodes and chasing around the map since neither of us had any gates.

Final core was 0-87. It was a hell of a lot of fun, I never thought I’d say that about IoC. Instance chat was actually not toxic, there was a lot of good vibes. Since the game lasted forever and was close, I hope you guys got something out of it despite the loss. You deserve it.

If anyone who reads the forums was there, well played. :+1::+1::+1:


An ioc that wasn’t a complete flaming dumpster fire???

Rarer spawn than loque nahak

Yeah no kidding. But it actually started off one for us, but we got our crap together.

Did I see you in an epic earlier? AV maybe?

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I was there on my monk. Truly was an epic game. The beginning was rough, by the end it was a resource fight. Controlling mid, and taking back hangar helped a lot.

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It sounded like it would have been a lot of fun.

Wasn’t in that particular game, but I did play one with you earlier. You seem to show up in half my IoC matches at least.

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epic bg these days is the same 100-200 people over and over and (probably) their alts lol.
bgs are so dead

Yeah it was easily one of the worst starts, I figured it was a bust but man.

Yeah been spamming a lot of epics to work on Bloodthirsty during the lull