Except for having your head stuck in a cube.
Any thread is better with Clutch in it.
We’re all brains in jars implanted in robots.
Specifically Robobrains from Fallout, that’s us.
That’s exactly what a fever dream looks and feels like.
Most bots are druids but not all druids are bots.
I don’t even know how to fix it. My mask was working normally on the forums for a week.
Poor Elk. Why did you get the dollar store discount pixelations too…? Everyone elses pixel fails look fairly neat and tidy. Yours are like a toddler was practicing coloring in the lines, with marginal success.
It’s the pixel people Shadowvixyn!
I’m fine ingame but the forums seem to believe I have no head except a small blonde bit at the top.
Aren’t all of our characters technically pixel people?
Oh no.
I’m a robot fox.
Yes I am a bot.
Careful, I byte.
…beep boop
Yeah turns out we are all bots. It’s only a question as to whether we are bio-bots or mech-bots.
Weird static noises can be heard coming from Fuzz’s ear
I’m not a robot. I’m a cybernetic organism.
Oh no, the take over has begun. Shhhhh… try and blend in.
boop beep.
I mean, kill all humans!
Opps, I mean greetings fellow organic.
Negative, human. i am also a human. Brrzrrrrtt! Beep boop.
Ah’ll be bah’k !!!