Anyone help with a mog that screams alliance

if I were a tank I’d use the movie sword and shield but I need something simular on my dps.

I’d like a set to keep it easy if anyone has suggestions. Or maybe something to add to the current armor and an sword or hammer that is all about the alliance.

I got another space goat that is full space goated out so I want this one to be the alliance representative that kinda throws away the space goat stuff and just protects and represents the people she chose to ally with

I’m super horde main so I will probably have to work for anything that is suggested lol. I’m only leveling this toon currently to get the traitor mounts I never got last expac

Isn’t the Imperial Plate set like the basic Stormwind Footman armor?


I think mine does. It’s mostly all crafted pieces. The sword can be bought in Spires of Arak or as a reward from a quest there. The cape is a drop from Throne of the Four Winds.

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Yes, as Mokun mentioned, there is a blacksmith-crafted set called the Imperial Plate set, which is very similar that worn by guards in Stormwind. That would seem to fit your required motiv.

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How about less is more? :wink:

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The BfA warfront sets are the way to go for this.


i’m beautiful

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Like Pazu, got to go with the Stormwind armor from the Dwarven Bunker at the Wod Garrison.


If you’re talking about the character you’re posting on, I think your mog looks great as it is.

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If you want something more old school, but totally fits the bill try rounding up all of the Overlord’s armor pieces. It is the traditional metal plate w/ mail beneath. It is also easily matched with a wide variety of weapons. The only problem is that it is composed of old random/world drops. Some rare pieces could be costly on the AH.

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Tried to find a decent “alliance Mog set”, but any searching I did just brought up images of open graves and tombstones. Sorry


You can search on horde Google or that happens everytime but I appreciate the effort.

Yes I am and thanks I just feel like more can be done.

Great choice pazu

Thats how I usually level

These are all great selections for armor guys thanks. What about weapons need a good sword or hammer that when seen makes the horde quiver knowing there’s a alliance bad a$$ in front of em

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There’s an honor set… blue and gold night hold recolor, with the blue and gold ashbringer or big hammer wep

If you want less is more and Blue and Gold colors then Vanguard set might be something to look into


And this:

i need to fix this guys mog, but not till he gets leveled, but its gonna take a while. ill fix his pants, and sword, but i think you get the idea.

Yes, Arathi warfront plate is excellent. Very Alliance looking, and easily my favorite set for Alliance plate wearers.

It’s harder to get but there’s also an “elite” variation that’s even cooler.

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Here is my rogue transmog. Armory is yet to reflect it, as how I am changing them constantly.
It is a mix of Tier 9 (Wrath) and BFA PvP set, with a nice touch of belt that has pouches for poison and provisions storage for long term covert missions :slight_smile:

Just like posts above said, Warfront sets is the way to go. You can get WHITE one for 12 marks of honor (plate) which looks SUPER dope. And T9 sets are faction specific.

MHP reporting for stereotype (heroic arathi warfront plate + I think this is the hidden holy power artifact skin)

Yes, I was thinking the 7th Legion set would look nice.