I’ve tried about 5 today and with one exception no survey sites pop up and the npc despawns.
Yes. I am experiencing that exact issue with a Kaheti Excavation right now.
Pillar-nest North near Rak-ush in the Azj-Kahet zone.
TomTom Zone with Coordinates
/way #2255 78.6 74.50
I speak with Dor’garad he dives underground.
No plot of dirt, nothing clickable appears for this Kaheti Excavation. Empty. Resets when I leave and return. Repeats the same problem of nothing to do when I return and retry.
Also I completed all the nearby World Quests so those are completed nothing I can see quest or world quest wise should be phasing, sharding or blocking this excavation that I can see.
They rarely work and sometimes don’t count for the weekly
Many of the pact treasures have been bugged like this since launch. They haven’t been fixed yet because lol, it’s a negative bug. You can bet it would’ve been fixed during beta if they were bugged in a positive way, like being able to complete them more than once per day.
Glad to hear it’s not just me at least. Gonna start a bug report thread for this since apparently all the past ones are about specific excavations but right now it seems to pretty much be all of them.