Anyone having a notification problem?

If someone replies to me and I’m the only one they’re replying to, I get a notification.

But if someone replies to Person A, then Person B, then me… I don’t get a notification of a reply.

This has been happening for a while now, even before the Discourse update. Anyone else notice this? I never see them or know about them unless I scroll through an entire thread.

Dunno, but I do know the old forums software was better

The new “notifications” tab is iffy/confusing, and sometimes shows ‘likes’ and replies from like 3 months ago lol

Also, for mobile/phone usage, sometimes the “notifications” dropdown button is so cluttered up and messy you can’t click on Account Settings button and such

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I saw that yesterday on my phone it’s like that.

It doesn’t give me a list of number of likes anymore.

Like one thread could have 6 likes and another 3. Now, they show up individually and often from months ago

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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I’d just like to actually get a notification when someone replies to me. And I’m not getting them unless it’s solely a reply to me and no one else.

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Not sure if I’ve noticed this but notifications are all kinds of stupid now. I hate what’s been done to them.

I hadn’t noticed. No telling how many I may have missed

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

I may be wrong, but I think they added a reply to all button during the last round of changes, which could be the reason.

PS: My preview actually is working again. It didn’t this morning, and hopefully emojis will be next. :slightly_smiling_face:

PPS: Emoji’s are back!

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Have you checked your settings? There’s several different ways you can set your notifications. It still glitches sometimes though.

:mega: :tada: :mega: :tada:

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2 weeks of blue boxes with white question marks and no preview isn’t something I want to have repeated anytime soon.


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I know at one point I had the forum opened and the game simultaneously.

It turned WoW into a white screen of death. Crazy stuff.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

I couldn’t find anything in settings for replies, only for likes.

Interesting, I never had this issue. I wonder if it was broken for some browsers and not others?

It stopped working before the updated iPhone17.0 OS came out for my iPhone 13. As of 17.0.2 it appears to be working properly again a day or 2 after that update.

Oh, that might explain it. I’m still on 16.7. I love how iPhone automatic updates aren’t automatic. :crazy_face:

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I had to manually update to 17. :-1: