Progressing the Twins/Raest challenge for MM Hunter and I have a pretty good grasp on most mechanics, but the “rune” mechanic keeps tripping me up/scuffing my attempts.
I’ll command my pet to move into the rune to soak it, but…
- it’s far away out of position/attacking the guy, and doesn’t make it in time
- it “hesitates” to move for a few seconds, and doesn’t get there in time
- it decides to take a weird terrain path and doesn’t get in the circle for whatever reason
When it’s not one thing it’s another, any of ^ these happens and I have to quit the instance, one add gets summoned = it’s gg 
Is there some sort of secret macro I don’t know about that “always” works for getting the pet to actually move when I tell it to?
Thinking of just leaving it on “passive” the whole fight, this is getting old lol 
I did the fight back in Legion as Warlock, but I never really had to deal with/actually learn the mechanics because I just cheesed it in 2-3 attempts with Sacrolash ring. So it’s as if I’m doing the fight for the first time 
i tried to do that via frost mage back in legion but it got too hard to the point i ended up scrapping that idea and simply soaking them myself. i was personally never good at moving my pet/pet management tbh.
with frost mage it might be easier though cause the pet also has freeze to use on the mobs plus the mage already has built is slow via it’s filler but even hunters concussive shot should be easy.
just my 2c. you soak it, keep your pet attacking. if you keep it on passive to soak the runes only then basically your losing out on dps and your only other option would be to move it earlier but i mean if you soaked it over the pet you should basically have 100% uptime right? just my theory at least. use tar trap probably on the mobs concussive on the boss
I would suggest visiting and asking in the Hunter discord
Specifically the Marksmanship channel 
Me either. These are all alts to me, I’ve never been good at the pet micro-management stuff. And these Youtubers make it look sooooo easy, their pets go right into the rune and they don’t miss a single one.
I imagine dedicated/career Hunters have 0 issues controlling their pet under pressure… meanwhile I’m over here borderline panicking trying to juggle like 3 different mechanics at once/fat-fingering buttons/making mistakes 
My first impression is that damage and mechanics are fine, it’s just the issue of the sloppy pet management that’s really hurting me and ruining my attempts. Then a void add gets summoned and it’s instantly gg 
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same with me thats why i opted to just soak it myself. frost mage pet doesn’t do a ton of damage either way it’s mostly used just for the extra freeze which is extremely good for frost mages due to shatter and CC.
hunter pet does more damage though i bet thus why i suggested to just soak it. instead of using your pet. basically use your disadvantage to get an advantage. 1 less thing to worry about instead of having your pet soaking it, messing up and basically failing the encounter. i mean it is up to you though. i think some pets have like a sprint ability not boars though boars have one via an attack i think. just don’t use cat and stealth on as that slows down the pet for added dmg when it pops out of stealth. plus the lust helps.
I’m still trying with Affli since we don’t have the perma slow legendary from legion, i use this macro and i used it with frost mage and i already completed the challenge as mage.
that simple comand will turn your cursor into the circle that you select the position for your pet.
But i couldn’t find a way to combine that with a mouseover condition in order to avoid the click on the position.
Also, take on consideration that Lock/Mage pet cast from range so i located my pet near to the area on which rune spawn and then used that macro in order to move the pet to the center of the rune.
I’m noob so I just bound /petattack to mousewheel left and /petpassive to mousewheel right, and that just makes everything a lot easier.
Want precise pet move? mousewheel right click and boom.
Back to the fight? one mousewheel left click and go.
petmove ain’t a spell…soo…you know…no mouseover.
its a command for the pet :s i already did the challenge that way but i tried to search for a mouseover for the guy asking for help.
I didn’t say otherwise…you know what? Nevermind.
no sorry i mean that i did it without the mouseover, thanks for your input. i was mentioning it as a prove for the OP
So just woke up, doing some more attempts (up to about 25ish wipes so far)
Still the same
every attempt… I send my pet to stand in the rune and it “hesitates” for a few seconds, or takes a long path around rocks etc and doesn’t make it in time.
Or I park the pet inside the rune, but I guess it doesn’t “count”? Because next thing I know, a void aberration add is running at me from the corner of my eye
Might just have to personally stand in them myself, I guess?
Like I said, the Youtubers and streamers make it look sooooo easy, but reall y seems like if you’re pet isn’t inside the rune within 1.5 seconds (…not easy with all the chaos/multiple mechanics happening at same time) then it doesn’t block the summon. Some of these Youtubers claim to have done it in less than 5 tries, they must be “career” Hunters I guess.
/cast dash
That way your pet will always have their speed boost up when you have them move to the soak.
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