Anyone giving GuildWars 2 a try?

None of my friends play Guild Wars 2, and most of my raiding guilds swapped to the human MMO’s, which is fine but they just haven’t clicked for me. I just want to see more fresh faces, hear more about people’s GW2 characters, and help out newer players get accommodated.

GW2 is fun. My pet peeve were the bags were too damn small.

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I can outrun a centaur!

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I play it on the side, whenever I have some free time.

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When was the last time you played? Getting quad 18s bags should be simple enough, and since you can deposit materials directly from bags without bank access, you only fill up on bags if you’re carrying 3 armour sets and the normal goods.

I played it on release. Back then bags were limited to 1 I think unless you paid for more. I wasn’t going to dish out $$$ for virtual bags.

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