Anyone getting Jelly Cat this week?

Looking forward to it. It seems if a bullion drops, it drops as many as you are missing. So on alts this week that I didnt run last week dropped 2 at once! So im guessing/hoping 3 at a time drop this week. Good time to throw in any alt with 463 in a LFR and get those 3 and get the mount without using bullion from a character you are actively gearing.


Jelly cat, jelly cat, what are they feeding you? :notes:


Nah, it’s ugly. I want transmog weapons.

Phlegm Feline ™


Jellicle Cats come out to-night
Jellicle Cats come one come all:
The Jellicle Moon is shining bright—
Jellicles come to the Jellicle Ball.

Jellicle Cats are black and white,
Jellicle Cats are rather small;
Jellicle Cats are merry and bright,
And pleasant to hear when they caterwaul.
Jellicle Cats have cheerful faces,
Jellicle Cats have bright black eyes;
They like to practise their airs and graces
And wait for the Jellicle Moon to rise.

Jellicle Cats develop slowly,
Jellicle Cats are not too big;
Jellicle Cats are roly-poly,
They know how to dance a gavotte and a jig.
Until the Jellicle Moon appears
They make their toilette and take their repose:
Jellicle Cats wash behind their ears,
Jellicle dry between their toes.

Jellicle Cats are white and black,
Jellicle Cats are of moderate size;
Jellicle Cats jump like a jumping-jack,
Jellicle Cats have moonlit eyes.
They’re quiet enough in the morning hours,
They’re quiet enough in the afternoon,
Reserving their terpsichorean powers
To dance by the light of the Jellicle Moon.

Jellicle Cats are black and white,
Jellicle Cats (as I said) are small;
If it happens to be a stormy night
They will practise a caper or two in the hall.
If it happens the sun is shining bright
You would say they had nothing to do at all:
They are resting and saving themselves to be right
For the Jellicle Moon and the Jellicle Ball.


I was actually singing a modified version of “smelly cat” from Friends :rofl:

I never actually watched Friends. No idea why I know the “smelly cat” song lol


I plan on waiting two months then doing a few wings of LFR on a handful of alts and buying all the weps. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: Something similar might be good for the catto as bullion on main or main alts now are useful for gear and catchup isn’t aggro enough for alts.

I don’t currently have it, so, yeah, probably!

My DH will be snagging it provided he gets a bullion drop. He probably will but it is not a guarantee.

no it is worthless

Yes, 'cause finally Jig-gles can have another jelly friend (added a dash cause I cant write the name of the pet for some odd reason??)

The mount is his dad.


Thanks for the info! My beloved slime kitkat with be reunited with its* dad soon!

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As long as youre ilvl 463, just do lfr and get them in the first wing, most likely. And ive seen them drop 2 at a time this past week. So for this week you “should” get 3 in one drop on a character doing their first awakened raid.

Ya ill finally get it. Honestly tho i wished we got the caterpillar mount instead but this is fine.

I never cared enough in SL to get it so I doubt I will now. At best it’d be +1 on the mount counter and I think I’d rather have the transmogs. If it was a flying mount maybe… :hear_no_evil::see_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

That’s what I’ve been doing, yeah. Players only get 2 (maybe 3?) in a week if they missed the previous ones, so it will always be a single bullion if you keep caught up. That has been my luck so far as well, at least for the most part. Just the first wing has gotten me my bullions on most of my characters.

No I still don’t like how it looks. Gonna get gear instead.

Thats why I mention you can just throw any alt with 463 in there if you want to get it. Not use bullions on main characters. I have a lock with 463. Let them do the first couple bosses, get the 3 and profit.

I just don’t want a jelly saber cat. If it were a jelly kitten that’d be different.