Anyone getting disconnects from timewalking?

Happened twice on two different toons. First boss is fine then second zone boss I DC and when I reconnect I’m back in the capital with a dungeon cool down timer. Really annoying. Its the End Time instance…

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Yep, happening here as well…Apparently TW is rocket science!

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Yes, reported here: Timewalking Instances Bugged - #6 by Coldvoid-garona

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same here has happened twice now

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Same, happened twice where I get dc’d and I get back in and I am in Vald with a 15 minute deserter.

Thanks, this is fun.

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Just happened to me right now lol

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Confirming this. It happened to me twice. Both times on End Times.

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Same. 2 for 2. Always End Time, and both times while fighting Tyrande. And I have to wait to queue back up. Infuriating.

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I also experienced this -_-

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Same here, 2x now. End Time instance seems to be the one.

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