Anyone get the urge to play an alt

All the time. Why can’t they just make things alt friendly again!?!?

Such alts as I have, I get to 120 and then park 'em. I can’t be bothered to fool around with max-level shenanigans.

Don’t worry, in SL when you get the urge to play an alt you’ll have to create them and then sit on the alt for 2 weeks to build up rested exp so your stupidly expensive heirlooms actually have a purpose, however small.

Yes I do
/ten chars

Every time I want to play one of my alts. I have a bunch of 70’s & 90’s right now that I just…can’t do bfa again.




This is me pretty much every day. I have 38 120s. Maybe 10 or less have the cloak.

The storyline to get the cloak is what turns me off. I don’t mind doing a quest more than once if it’s fun.

I tried to fill all my alts gear slot with at least 400 ilvl normal dungeon/WQ gears, and then I’ll have to do the cloak questline because corruption happened.

Now all 8 of my max level characters have that dumb cloak.

All I wanted was to faceroll Legion content and 400 ilvl gears is enough… I don’t really need a 470 cloak…