Anyone from the old vanilla days still around?

People from The List, vashen, sephirothx you lovely man you, kitty, the pact, No mercy mafia, etc

Iconiq asked about me but I’ve been putting off rejoining and I’m feeling nostalgic now.

The vanilla/tbc/wrath Era. Wanna see what everyone has been up to and if we have a discord.

-Zarz, Former Cult Object of Worship

Doubt it…Vindictive here.

look man i lost my virginity at 24 to a woman i met on wow (allegedly)

i know what i’m talking about

it was awful

have you ever had a bad experience in your life? i mean the bigger the better

Sometimes you just want something bad for you. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yeah the post was from 2 years ago and a lot of the posters stopped posting last year. Would be interesting to see them again, though.

Look. Those people are gone. They aren’t the same people you met back then.

How old are you now vs then?

I dunno. It was a timespan between 14 and 18ish, maybe? I’m 31 now.

Dudes be talking about their kids, cars, and tax returns now.

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Well that seems par for the course for people their age. Would still be fun to chat.

I member Vashen, Kitty… the pact is a little hazy, wasn’t that the worgen guild? I was told Vashen was a “scary warlock” definitely a household name on ED. No Mercy Mafia raiding Org in early wrath when I had no idea what I was doing.

I think it’s actually dead for good now. Blizzard has too many lawsuit issues to deal with on top of a decaying game. Have to let it go. I don’t want to but it’s just a part of aging I guess? Who knows if there will be a revival.


I had heard there were some discord floating around. Vashen mostly was famous as he had a bit of a cult of personality and replaced a lot of letters with Vs. The pact was an all druid guild, if I recall. Or maybe that was the all troll guild.

Well, regardless. If you know any of the discords or if they happen to see this post, hit me up. I’ve quit wow for the thousandth time. I would say final but I know I’ll be back for 10.0 at least.

Especially Rethosphix/Sephirothx. I love that guy.

Even the discords I have/had for wow have divulged into other topics. Other games, other ideas. Politics are the norm now for the demographic time I lived in, I guess? One side or the other, at least from my experience. Mustardy stuff, zing zing zing stuff. Not for me, not sure who actually feels good about sharing the newest “outrageous” news.

I think covid had a role in the echo chamber politics, social isolation for many. Hostility.

My friends used to talk about their lives, games. Not anymore. I thought after work I could jerk around, nah. I hate discord, most social media now. Makes me question my sanity.

I could provide some but I’m not sure how it would help you.

Sorry to sound negative, but you might find the same results if you look into it.

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Naw I get you. It would be worth a try. A lot has changed in my life and I wanted to see how they have changed as well. Maybe they still have that old meme they made of me. Haha

If you don’t mind, ping me their discord. If they happen to see this, my discord is Gunblade Heroine#2154.

Im sure all the underage boys that hollyforest tries to hook up with could tell you about an awful experience

Is this that paladin who has a twitch about calling people out about? Go to school and make something of yourself. Stop wasting your time here. It makes no difference you won’t accomplish anything.

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NMM is doing TBCC on Grobbulus realm still as well as several other ED peeps. Decent amount of people also doing SoM version on Jom Gabbar.

Sounds like you have a thing for frumpy middle aged women.

I didn’t even address her or defend her. I didn’t even address the conversation, I asked about you. I just asked about you. If you went back to school and put that brain to good use you wouldn’t need a strawman to make an arguement.

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stay chained boy