Came back recently, and just curious if any of the old faces from Emerald Dream of the past are still around? I have gotten a hold of a few old names from the good ole days, but miss some of my old friends like Roswend, Nitto, Cabaal, the Dros brothers, Atalos, and some others from the good ole PVP days. Some other regulars from like like Engared and even a few of the interesting people from had some colorful characters that were fun to play with. Just curious, as would be fun to play with those old names again.
- Resynn - “Let me buff your stuff”
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Some of us still play, though many have moved on. Game changes, interest changes, life happens. Some have hopped servers. Most of Kingship of the East did. A lot of former Crew folks have as well, or no longer play. There is just a skeleton crew of us left. Some of the older RPers dipped for WrA and MG.
Waiting for Classic to drop.
Troll Patrol 2.0 is coming.
-Zu, Co-Prophet of The Crew.
Was just a lil lurker back then. So the same as now but now I have catchphrases.
Some of the old guard did come back for the start of BfA then disappeared or changed servers.