Anyone feeling Interested in WWW?

Just curious how others feel about the upcoming expansion.

Nerubians seem like they might be pretty cool. Xal’atath’s new look is pretty awesome, just a shame she looks more like a proper leader of the Void Elves than any of the actual Void Elves do. I’m curious to see what she’s got planned.

Alleria’s makeover is kind of falling flat for me. Looks like something out of Final Fantasy XIV, which isn’t all that bad, they do have pretty good looking sets. I guess my thing is, it doesn’t really look all that… Void-themed, or even elven themed. I’m not sure what she’s supposed to look like there. Kind of looks like Tyrande just handed over bits and pieces of her Night Warrior armor as a handmedown.

Earthen are a big old, ‘meh,’ for me. I expect their questing will be decent, and I’m happy for the people who will make them and enjoy them, but aside from being made of stone, I’m not feeling anything that sets them apart from other dwarves. They even seem to have their own three sub clans sort of thing going on. Won’t be surprised if there is a second Council of Three Hammers by the end of WWW.

Underground humans was a bit of a shocker. Ancient Arathi who are even more into the Light than other humans? Not sure what to think of that, other than that this feels like a missed opportunity to add just about any other race. Could’ve seen a race of rabbit people, or maybe some insectoid Old God race that the Light Fragment purified and changed, maybe something like a Moth race would’ve been cool, given how moths are drawn to light sources and all.

I don’t know. So far I think I’m more interested in skipping WWW and going straight to Midnight.


Where did you get the extra ‘w’ ?
And the way things are looking…

I dislike that it’ll be another several years before any big overhaulls to zone updates start to take shape on a bigger scale.

The war within story , nerubians, xal’atath doesn’t interest me.

Gonna be another small set of zones with some awful public events… I don’t think they can pull off delves to be enjoyable for me.

Story wise, no, not interested in the next expansion.


WoW: War Within.

Glad to know its not just me then.

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Wouldn’t that be then WWWW… two extra ‘w’'s :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

There isn’t anything there to really grab me, for sure.
It’ll be a slow burn 'till the last titan where there is a pay off per se. Or at least should have a pay off. Midnight will probably be their sped up version of light vs void war.


War Within looks interesting, yes.


That makes 0 sense

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Well with what they put out it doesn’t seem that eye catchy.

-Cinematic didn’t tell much
-Not a fan of Underground worlds
-Don’t really care of the Dwarfs allied race
-Dwells sounds like it will be like Destiny 2 loot sectors which I am indifferent about .
-The hero talents is just a talent within a talent, that pretty sure most will use it once and forget about it
-World stuff will as usual be obsolete once the season starts, so no point

So at the moment its a nope from me


I’m curious what you’re looking forward to. I’m trying to find something about it to be interested in and just not feeling anything hooking me.

I mean my interest in www got me into web development, so there’s that.

Also find https interesting too. And SSL.

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WWWWW is going to be great.

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I still prefer Warthin.

I guess my interest is more in the saga itself than War Within as a standalone expansion. I like the idea they want to tell a story in parts rather than jumping story beats every xpac.


I’m so hungry for void elf lore that I’m interested just because the prospect of getting some being dangled in front of me makes me excited.

Love how many Ws discussion, but I’ll wait until the release to determine if I like it, and/or not the direction

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For me the theme of TWW is ok, but Delves, Warbands, and if they continue it for TWW the follower dungeons, are what I am most excited for and will have me enjoying my time in the next expansion.


Scared but interested. :mag::robot:

Curious how Thrall and Anduin will be written soon. :game_die:

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I’m interested in just how much deeper will be digging into Azeroth and if the devs will be throwing in us trying to save another one of Azeroth’s organs from all that digging.

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Story wise not so much. I don’t really play for the story though. Delves seem like an interesting concept. Warbands is likely for me the best thing about playing the upcoming expansion. I’ll likely play it.

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Warthin has been willed into existence by a single overzealous individual. I respect that.

It’s also harmless, yet seems to rustle. Which makes it a relatively soft and wholesome form of trolling.

Much better than a variable series of W’s.

Not feeling it. Which is a bit odd, since Hollow Earth Theory and Hidden Underground Worlds is one of my favorite bits of pseudoscience (I want to be very clear that I do not actually believe in any of it, merely that it’s very entertaining to me, in a Pulp Sci-Fi/Fantasy sort of sense). Got zero interest in any side-stories about Anduin Getting His Mojo Back, unless it literally involves him going to the Echo Isles and hanging out with loads of scantily clad troll women. I guess it’s just a Three Strikes You’re Out situation. I’d rather spend my time doing Cata classic then trust in anything new from Blizzard at this point.