Anyone experiencing a weird mail bug?

I already made a post about this in the support section, but I wanted to bring it up here in case anyone knows something.

This might be a strange bug, but I am unable to trade letters that I can obtain through mail. Putting a letter in the trade menu just automatically cancels the trade, and I don’t know why.

For further context on this, my guild and I were going to make halloween gag gifts where we write a silly letter and pass them off to players, and we used to be able to do this last year, but for some year it’s impossible to do now. Yet we can still mail each other multiple letters, so I don’t understand why. If anyone knows anything, that’d be helpful!

My guildie and I have been having this problem too. We used to use the letters as menus for Songbird Eatery, but since I think maybe August we’ve been having to put the menus in our TRPs instead.

We haven’t found any way to fix it, and it’s rather vexing.

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By chance did ya’ll submit a ticket or anything? I feel like it’s a bug, it doesn’t make sense for it to auto cancel trades if it was just something they weren’t allowing to be traded anymore. Nothing else in game auto cancels trading as far as I know.

Not a bug. Spammers and scam artists in wow classic were getting past trade spam filters by using in game mail instead so blizz made all letters BOP.

There was a thread about it awhile ago.

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I didn’t, and I don’t think Runa did either, but I have bug reported it two or three times through the in-game bug report box.

This is … incredibly disappointing. Tradable letters were a great flavor item for so many different purposes, and I really liked using them for the menu.

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