Im sorry if I hurt you, its just I go over a lot with this sethrak discussion over and over and over.
It makes absolutely no sense with what everything we have on the table and to just throw your hands up and say Sethrak should go with alliance and I’ve had people passionately fight me on this being purposely ignorant until they finally let it slip that they just want them because of their design.
Their faith system is also tied to the trolls and Sethrallis even shows up to Talanji’s coronation, only loa tied to Zandalari showed up, you dont see the Shark loa of the Tuskarr show up to honor talanji.
This is because these loa are of Zandalar and wanted to bless the new ruler in power of the first empire on azeroth and a beacon of faith and power to all loa.
Expecting? No. More of a lingering dread. Those horrendous elf-troll things.
My impression of things was that the Nightborne did reach out to the Night elves, but Tyrande wasn’t interested in further communication. So they responded to the Blood Elves reaching out toward them, which lead them joining the Horde.
I’d love to see gilgoblins added! Already have them aligned with the Horde through Nazjatar & the Unshackled. It would be cool to see them as part of the Horde as they culuturally differ from our greedy, selfish goblins.
Devs talked about before that goblins would be hard to add druids to them for narrative reasons so they have been working on that.
I would love gil goblins but not just as a skin for regular goblins, their voices and mannerisms are completely different.
I’ve pointed this out before and it’s hilarious that people have long used a few minor quests to support the idea of Alliance sethrak, when the fact that the Alliance experience was mostly reskinned Horde quests just proves that Vol’dun had the least amount of effort put into its foothold questline. Compare it to something like Zuldazar’s foothold that had you going on a rampage with a lava elemental and burning goblins to death.
Same. Having the Devoted join the Alliance would be practically flipping off Horde players who quested in Vol’dun, and having the Faithless join the Alliance as an alternative would make even less sense, yet some people get really hostile if you point out how unlikely it was for the Alliance to get either group.
Yeah, a common argument for Alliance sethrak is that instead of an actual good reason in-universe, we need another bestial race because “the Alliance has too many humanlike races”, never mind that the Alliance’s most popular races are night elves, humans, void elves, and draenei, and our most commonly requested race is high elves, so clearly, attractive humanlike races are what Alliance players want more of.
Nah man, I just don’t want the Horde to get more scalies. I want Alliance to have more scalies.
Coming from a dragon that makes sense. It’d be like sending foot soldiers to take down aircraft.
But yeah, they’d be a great playable race, they’ve got a nice tanky physique.
Alliance has never been about monsters.
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They need to stop.
Almost all of the allied races we have to date should have been earnable customizations for existing races. The players can RP the rest.
I think the one exception being Vulpera, which actually look distinct enough that they could arguably be called a race. If void elves also need to exist just to give the alliance access to elven looking toons, then sure.
Otherwise though, the rest of them are disappointingly similar. I have zero interest in the Earthen. A third dwarf race? Why? Why wasn’t it just a customization that you could earn from some Delve achievement and could apply to either Dwarfs or Dark Iron Dwarfs. Is it to give the horde dwarf looking toons? Why not just remove the race/faction affiliation instead?
Basically allied races as far as I’m concered are just race recolors. None of them have ever gotten me excited. None of them are remotely interesting.
If you love them, more power to you. I just think there was a much better way to handle it.
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I would certainly like some personally.
Vrykuls, arrakoa’s, ogre’s, furbolg, jinyu, hozen, actual half elves with their own looks (not just BE with sjort ears or humans with long ears, stop heing lazy blizz!), mok’nathals and more.
Exactly. Full on races.
I mean we are about to go explore the ancient Nerubian empire and the most interesting thing they could give us was a recolored dwarf. Ugh.
The Nerubians are the antagonists of the base patch. We may see their evolved forms as an allied race later on in the expansion… But they have 4 arms so it may not happen.
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That 4 arm argument is bogus and the way he worded it implies it can be fixed, it would also be an easy fix.
Why else would you take an awesome spider race ppl love, shrink them down,make them humanoid and lame and not have plans to make that playable?
To me the intention is clear, otherwise why even alter them at all? It would be pointless, they are a known race, why make them unrecognizable yet carrying the name of said old race just cause?
Probably going to be playable in part 2.
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I hear you. It was just an example.
We’ve seen other bipedal races though. Niffen, setherak, hozen/jinyu, arrakoa, tuskarr, furblog, ethereals, ogres… the list is endless. Every xpac usually introduces at least one.
The point was - stop giving us recolored races. They need to either try harder, not bother, or just make more customizations to the existing ones.
An Earthen customization you can earn and apply for existing dwarfs via delves would be cool. A new “race”, that you have to earn, then either re-level or buy a race change for in order to use is absolutely not.
I hate to sound like I am simping for earthern, but I dont believe they should be customization.
The Earthern aren’t dwarves, dwarves came from earthern via the curse of flesh.
They have a completely different worldview and are constructs and would have noticeable different abilities.
Im a die lore enthusiast and I know ppl like to lump races together and say they should be customization, but HM tauren for example arent nomads and have been seperate from the mulgore tauren(who are nomads) for hundreds of years, they have noticeable differences and are cenarius blessed in comparison to normal tauren.
The 4 Arm thing is such an easy work around, just have them duel wield everything in a manner similar to all 2 Handed Sovani Weapons in The Last Remnant.
If a Square Enix Game game do it, Blizzard can do it.
I just want Murlocs and Kobolds.
Funny you say that; scalies are not monsters.