Maybe… I thought we’d have seen Drakonids by the end of the DF as an easy win for Blizzard but that didn’t happen.
Maybe those Harronir, they’re an elf flavor, Blizzard likes those.
Maybe… I thought we’d have seen Drakonids by the end of the DF as an easy win for Blizzard but that didn’t happen.
Maybe those Harronir, they’re an elf flavor, Blizzard likes those.
People who complain are louder than people who are satisfied.
The people asking for Allied Races are the ones who enjoy them.
Fair enough.
Allied races
That’s about all the important or notable stuff.
Thanks, my curiosity was along the lines of why people seem to be specifically asking for Allied Races, as opposed to just new playable races
I’d love to see a cat based race. Not a hunched, mog distorting race but an Alliance equivalent to Vulpura. Tiny like Vulpura, but fierce instead of cute.
Datamining. The Harronir are built with all the customizations usually reserved for playable characters. They obviously aren’t there for launch; this would be a mid-expansion Allied Race.
It’s totally possible that Blizzard has changed their development strategy and are now building random NPC races the same way they would player characters, but if that’s true then this would be the first - and there are other new race models they could have done the same thing for (like the new Kobolds) and they did not.
Given that they are developing 3 expansions at the same time, adding extra work load for customizing this one random not-Troll/not-Elf race feels weird in isolation. The most likely scenario is they are prepping them to be playable.
So far none of the supposed playable races excite me, really hoping for Amani.
Datamining. The Harronir are built with all the customizations usually reserved for playable characters. They obviously aren’t there for launch; this would be a mid-expansion Allied Race.
If they do become playable, I wonder if they will neutral or one faction aligned. Like say a pairing of Alliance Harronir and Horde Humanoid Nerubians?
So far none of the supposed playable races excite me, really hoping for Amani.
Do you just want the Amani tribe itself becoming playable or would you be happy if we got playable Forest Trolls with the Revantusk?
I’m still holding out hope for saberon for the Horde.
I’m really hoping the Harronir become playable. They look amazing and I’d make my shaman one in a heartbeat.
I can see it now the Harronir are being attacked/exploited by the goblins. Much of their land has been destroyed in the process. The Night Elves chose to “adopt” the Harronir to help them relocate. Which may bring back a more primal(fierce) nature to the Night Elves.
Now we need a Horde allied race.
I’m not expecting more ARs, but I won’t be surprised if we do get more. Like, the Harronir look very much like they could be a new playable race.
Also, allied races are considered to be easier to make than core races, both for not needing a full starter zone and nearly all of them using another race’s rig, so it sounds like Blizz might be more likely to do it.
alliance light zombies
Lol. No thanks. Calia is the Horde’s problem now.
Vrykul are cooler.
I was hoping for Ookin’ Hozen with the release of Pandaria Remix
The Amani have a very cool history of throwing down with the old gods and succeeding, they also have much creativity and fighters among them.
Raventusk arent actually members of the horde even though its a common misconception that they are.
Raventusk also arent fighters and prefer to avoid conflict but have schemers among them and illusions of defeating the other tribes(other forest trolls)
Amani were also shown to be susceptible to the Zandalari and their influence so I am hoping someone will try to unite the troll tribes again and that we also find some survivors of the drakkari so that they can become playable as well.
Earthen were a pretty weak choice. Not only is it recycling assets but it removed some of the mystery from the world as they not only get explained but are in-fact your next door neighbor you never knew about because muh story and things STOP NOTICING!!!
Their creation was explained years ago.