Anyone excited for the new bow?

Not really, no. I am not excited. They seem to be basing our class balance and future viability on a performance level to a drop from the last boss in the new raid. They are spending time tweaking and adjusting an item that if the current trend holds, there won’t be any hunters in the raid to loot it if/when it does drop.


I mean not really. It drops from the last boss, so most likely you will mostly be using one from a lower difficulty to whatever you are working on.

If you are lucky you will get it on your first final boss kill. If you are unlucky you won’t get it, or you will get it at the end of the tier around when your guild decides to stop raiding.


Knowing my luck I’ll be using the LFR version for the whole tier.

(I actually dont think an LFR version will drop lol)

Thus far (checked a couple of days ago), the bow isn’t on the drop list for LFR. Just normal or higher.

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Tbh I actually like that

Yeah, that’s gonna be fun. Anyone remember how much drama glaives created back in the day?

Granted, that’s assuming there’re hunter players left to fight over it.

Honestly, I’m not excited, and I’m not looking forward to it because apparently, this is the only thing hunters have to look forward to.

We’re in the middle of a content drought, hunter players are looking for any improvements to their specs to push them into the middle or maybe even fight for the top percentile (I know as a MM player I’m still waiting for the compensation for the bug fix that completely yanked us out of the top spot and pushed us straight to the bottom tier), and the patch notes aren’t at all promising.

Sure, the bow is cool, and there a chance that it might drop, but where’s that going to put us? Is it so strong that it’s the only drop that matters for hunters just so we can do some competitive DPS (which means we’re utterly worthless without it) or is it so weak that it doesn’t even matter (which means we’re utterly worthless with it)? I don’t want the chance of a buff, that’s insulting.

Because the #1 rule of Blizzard and RNG is to assume that the item you want will never drop for you - that way you’ll never be disappointed when the expected result happens, and when it does drop, it’s always going to go to somebody else. That’s just a decade of bitterness that’s been driven into my soul, sorry not sorry.

Where the hell are the buffs? I want to be excited for buffs. Every other class got them, even the specs that are so far ahead already, and what do hunters get? A buff to Survival (good for you!) and a bow that might drop.

Am I excited? No. Just really really bitter right now.


The bow is decent but its nothing special until they tune it. If a MM hunter is in the bottom tier it’s a you problem and not a class problem. As it stands right now, MM is still upper mid tier and if you can’t recreate this its a skill problem and you need to practice more.

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Where are you getting upper mid tier lol. Their like the 17th best dps

Best dps this late into the tier is extremely hard to calculate given the nerfs to fights causing cd’s and timers to line up differently. At the end of 9.0 we parsed in at 7, which is upper mid tier. Currently we are 14th in 9.0.5, which again has pretty substantial nerfs to mythic raid encounters, allowing for cheese strats or fights to end shortly after the 2nd 3 min cd phase, giving those classes a natural advantage. With the state of several classes above us being nerfed and hunters being relatively untouched, I expect to make pretty substantial ground moving into 9.1.

So basically, you’re counting on nerfs to top-tier DPS to bring MM back up to a viable spot.

To echo sentiment that has been expressed directly or indirectly, I am hoping MM and BM are not balanced around having the bow; that is, that the bow is not simply a band aid fix.


Not really going to be ever expecting to see this bow drop. My raid team’s progression trend has been to kill the final raid boss once or twice on regular, then flip to getting AotC and once that heroic boss is killed; then everyone takes a break raiding or runs alts so we never get to the final boss again. So yeah, I don’t expect to see it drop for me :slight_smile:


MM is already in a perfectly viable spot. Do I think they need to address the ST damage a bit? Yeah. As far as overall ranking for CN tier it’s because fights are shorter and that favors people with bigger 3 min cd’s.

It’s viable, but strangely enough, I think MM has the opposite issue: it has good ST (which should be better - I meant Marksman, duh), but its AOE is far too dependent on mobs being clumped up. Usually, I don’t have a problem with this, but when I get fights like Sun King where mobs like to dart away or stand still and cast, it can be a bit frustrating. That being said…

If it’s a legendary, that means it should be upgraded like a legendary with the ilvl of a legendary item…which probably means that BM and MM hunters will eventually be balanced around having the bow.

This is, after all, Ion’s Warcraft we’re talking about: you’re not supposed to trust them to craft a fun experience, only a profitable one where you mine what joy you can out of it while they drive up the engagement matrics. Do you really trust the devs to not want to make your experience more tedious and painful than it already is?

After the interview, I certainly don’t: The most cynical prediction I have is that the devs are gonna beef up the bow so every hunter wants it, give with a drop rate just slightly higher than Invincible, make sure the fight is absolutely awful for every hunter spec so they’ll be benched during progression, and then every hunter will be penalized because the specs and all of its abilities will be balanced around a weapon that they can’t get until farm.

And they’ll still be lower-mid tier because other classes will just be fundamentally better designed and balanced.


I mean… we have a lot of cool things. Every single bow is exclusive to two specs in the entire game, so I dont really see this as all that precident setting. Im not going to get upset whenever there is a cool legendary effect tied to a bow. Im happy for BM and MM hunters, especially ones who are only that because RSV is gone. I hope the playstyle they are looking for comes back in a satisfying way, because I have the playstyle I enjoy the most.

Why do I care about a bow that doesnt even have an iconic appearance? Should Arms warriors be mad about this bow? It just seems like a non-issue.

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Was a joke but was just saying they always leave survival out.

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For M+ they might be solidly in the middle. They dont have the damage of the really good classes, but with roots, knockbacks and their decent damage, they can make it work.
All their utility however, doesnt translate to the raid. They dont have any major utility to speak of and they are extremly squishy. Combining that with their pityful ST-damage makes them bottom tier for raids.
Even on a fight, that is basically perfectly tailored for them (Sire, Add spawns nicely lining up with Volley, constant add spawns to trigger Korayn buff, Remoria permanently >70%) they dont manage to break into the top ranks. Theres no reason to believe there will be a fight as perfect for hunters in the next tier again. The outlook for hunters right now is very grim.
The only light at the end of the tunnel is the legendary bow and the new conduit line which might upset this status. However, hunter scaling in general is pretty weak rn, so this also works against them… Guess we will have to see.

Not excited, positive we will be balanced around this bow and also positive it will have same RNG as any other piece of loot except amplified because it is off last boss of raid. It will only drop for hunters, best hope your raid has multiple hunters which it probably won’t as they will see even one as a “carry”. Fully expect it to take months to get


It has been months that I am completing +14 and +15 keys and yet I have not had a 226 weapon drop or a 220 from raid. I had to use Valor to upgrade a weapon to 220 and use that for the time being. :frowning:
I am also not very hopeful that I can get my hands on that bow either.


I believe it was said to drop in all difficulties so I’m setting up my two hunters now to farm it in lfr. I’m really hoping they don’t mean normal, heroic mythic only for the legendary bow tho