Anyone elses friends list dead?

The first season of SoD was beautifully social…

But it just lasted one season…

Force players to walk and wonderful things will happen.

It’s fun! I love the new update and I’m enjoying hanging out with people there. New landscapes for our housing plots, new games in the underground, I’m still working on the storylines for the temples… I love it.

I keep my list at like 5 names or less. Really never been a concern and never will lol. :upside_down_face:

Chill raid groups?!? I haven’t been in one that we don’t blow thru the content as fast as possible every single time haha (for remix)

Well. I am glad you’re having fun. My wife and I were pretty excited to give it a shot. Hung out for a while during the early days but the devs just kinda soured us.

What’s friends?
Nobody likes me.

My friends list has been dead since MoP, lol. That’s when my brother stopped playing.

So, about 12 years, I’ve just been playing by myself. For the most part.

Well, not entirely true, I had a friend come back for Legion and DF, but he never stuck around for more than a few months.

Same with SoD, my brother came back to play P1 for a while, and quit.

I am glad that TWW is adding delves, as well as solo-queue Battleground Blitz.

It’s about time they starting adding more solo content- I’d argue most folks are playing by themselves when their friends or guildmates aren’t around.

And PuGGing still kinda sucks currently.

I wish they’d put more resources into PuGs, because back in Wrath you could beat the hardest difficulties in PuGs lol, I did Heroic ICC that way.

WoW is more gatekeep-y now than it ever has been.

Sure, we had GearScore back then, but now it’s baseline and we’ve got other addons for measuring performance.

It’s only gotten worse.

Mine has been dead for years now. It is primarily why I just play solo.

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I have some really old friends on my list that haven’t logged in for years. Most since WoD! I have been using weird things like, missed connections, on Craigslist to try to get back in touch with them. I know what state they live in, just not the town. I just miss those friends.

Throne and Siege on Heroic take like an hour regardless, so it’s been some fun chatter while people own it in the face. :grin:

That sucks, I’m sorry.

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They are all dead, Jim!

No one on my friend list has played any version of WoW since WOTLK classic it seems.
CAT classic is an oxymoron, and retail has nothing to do besides esports, so I can understand why.
Blizzard has been creating a game for literally 100 players for years now, and killed classic by rushing through 3 versions of the game in 3 years.

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No, but a few of my friends listed are. I keep there anyway though.

Go play what they are playing or make new friends in wow.

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If you’re close, reach out outside WoW!

My WoW besties met in WOTLK became my D&D group, and we’ve been running our current campaign for almost 10 years! Never put all your eggs in one game/platform basket among your actual, for real friends! Hope you hear from them soon!

My friend’s list is quite literally empty, and always has been. Does that count as dead?

Anytime people on my friends list pop on they’re afk in app or playing anything but WoW and never wanna chat or anything. in game my friend’s list is so dead it may as well be covered in dust and cobwebs as none of my friends on there logged in since I think Mists or WoD