I have used not the full action cam, but the basic action cam for years. To the point that the standard angle now looks weird to me. The standard angle has your character basically in the middle of the screen, meaning half your screen is the ground. I feel like you miss out on so much of the environment ahead of you because of it.
Does anyone else still use any of these alternative camera angles?
For anyone not in the know, some years back these different camera modes were added into the game as a kind of test. They can still only be activated via console commands. Action Cam Full is a lower, offset over the shoulder angle. It also track whatever you have targeted. Initial reactions to this were mixed, with many people complaining about motion sickness. Action Cam Basic is the lower angle, but still centred behind your character, and doesn’t track your target. And I think it’s great. A nice middle ground.
These are the commands if anyone wants to try them. I just have macros for each. I still hope for the day when they are just in the camera options menu.
Action Cam Full:
/console ActionCam full
Action Cam Basic:
/console ActionCam basic
Action Cam Off:
/console ActionCam off
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ill never understand how people can complain of motion sickness when the its an option. you dont have to use it, you know.
but just gotta complain about something
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i use free cam. 95% of the time im adjusting the camera or direction of my character. love the control i get with freecam. accidently switched it a while back and it didn’t even feel like i was playing the same game, almost like being left handed for a minute. hahaha
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speaking about camera angles and stuff. anyone remember that game that came out 100 years ago called “two worlds”? lol it was like the caracter was anchored in place and the world “rolled” underneath the caracter. that was a really unique PoV that i havent seen since. people spoke about motion sickness with that game too.
Never used it really but i’m pretty finnicky about altering my camera angles and view distances, i absolutely hated when they forced us to play in closer and removed the option to play zoomed out as far as what we could originally and there are a bunch of other things i can’t stand about the camera now, it’s always getting caught up in terrain/trees/roof/flags/banners/interiors in general.
I must adjust my view maybe 20+ times per dungeon just because of how many times the camera gets into awkward positions, also when you try to look up now, you lose all situational awareness because the camera drops down to the ground (in the past it would just pivot from a point up in the air if you looked up), it never did that in the past, i think WoD was when it all started to go bad.
If you’re like me and think “All three of those images are the exact same” look at the distance from the bottom action bars and the character model.
Bring back my preWoD zoom out distance thanks.

Thanks Blizz 
Still to this day I scroll my mousewheel because I think I’m not zoomed out all the way 
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Heh, yeah they are similar. I took them in quick succession with just the different camera modes changed. I think the most distinct difference is between the Basic and Off screenshots, where you completely lose the spiral tree from the view. That’s how much more scenery you get. But screenshots really can’t do justice to how different they all feel. And really I was zoomed out too far to properly show the offset of the Full version. This one shows it more, as well as the target tracking:
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