Scalpers can still sell the CPU for sky high prices and mobo for regular prices. Best way to stop scalpers is just not buy from them.
Someone offered me more money for my 3080 than I bought it for, like a lot more. I never offered to sell it but hey, I sold it off and now I have a 3070 with enough money to get 5950x too.
I think people vastly overestimate the PC gaming requirements jumps.
Yes, technology has widened a lot over the past 5 years, but it hasn’t really gotten THAT much faster. Intel is still riding off 5 year old tech, and Ryzen is only now coming into its own with the 5000 series. That said, it’s not a game-breaking difference.
I also think people overestimate the potential gains/utilization of wider resources due to consoles.
We know people will find the fastest path to completion. This means using the game engines that already exist, and keep doing what you’re doing. Look at Bethesda and Fallout. Even if it don’t work don’t fix it.
These parts we’re all agonizing about “which is better” will work in games within reason, and I doubt any of these choices will spell the difference between “it plays” or “it doesn’t” in any meaningful way in the future, at least when comparing them to one another.
I wish I’m that lucky. No one offered me for my RTX 3080.
Shops here went full rig requirements for Ryzen 5000, RTX 3070 and RTX 3080. Part of the reason why RTX 30 sells is because it is also very good for work.
Additionally, gaming engines don’t always take advantage of new tech. It’s expensive update engines and then hopefully nothing breaks.
New engines are coming out that’ll take advantage of new features but they’re not going to write games for 10 core CPUs and two GPUs. They’ll want to ensure the people with 4 cores and low end GPUs can run the game too.
This but people also confuse how engines use cores. They believe if you have six cores and are playing a battleground match of 24 players than each core will handle four players. People need to see CPUs as more of a whole than how many cores it has. The Ryzen 3300x runs circles around the Ryzen 1700x even though it has half as many cores. The Ryzen 5600x offers better gaming performance than the 3700x with two less cores and four less threads.
As Steve from techspot & hardware unboxed stated
Some people also like to confuse how games and cores work. Making statements like games will require 8 cores or something to that effect.
Games don’t require a certain number of cores, they never have and they never will. Games require a certain level of CPU performance, it’s really that simple.
you sound like someone who is still gaming at 1080p… but if you’re pushing ultrawide 1440p or higher even the latest gen hardware like 3080+5900x is not maxing out the refresh rate of quality panels.
The only people who these new CPUs even would affect are people playing at 1080p. Several outlets have shown that 1440p results on the 3080 isn’t even CPU limited on modern hardware, it’s largely an architecture issue where Ampere doesn’t scale as well at lower resolutions.
So…you prove my point further that it doesn’t matter that much.
It also effects people who use their system as lets say an editing rig and a gaming rig. Folks who do work stuff just as much as they game. In which case the newest and fastest 10 or 12 core processors really help out on render time
Im pretty sure what he meant was “high refresh rate panels with low ms response time” He sounds like a 1st person shooter player
This topic is far more complex.
Overall a 1 core CPU would be best. Unfortunately, that’s not going to happen given physics limitations. That’s why multi-core CPUs were created, schedulers were built to use them and then apps to work with the scheduler.
No people do not have them now at least not in the US. The only people who have them are people who have a Micro Center in their area or they were lucky enough to get them at lunch the rest of us are SOL. Absolutely everywhere is sold out at all times. The other people who have them now are the ones who pay double the price on eBay
People like me would love to have them now however you just can’t buy one. Today I just got my first customer build that I’m doing for someone who got their hands on a 5900x. He drove 10 hours to a Micro Center to get it.