Anyone else unable to get in?

Cannot log into WoW either, even bypassing the launcher.


nah, seriously, just aggravating to happen when I get home from work early. Of course Diablo IV is fail too.

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My tinfoil had says: Ukraine Promotion = DDOS


It logs me off the forums when I post too. Disgruntled employee? Hax? lol

They are aware and trying to fix the authenticator servers.

How do we get reimbursed?

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I can get the launcher going (after a min) but my friends list and all that stuff wont fully load. When I click on PLAY, nothing.

Welp, time to finish Recipe for Disaster in OSRS.
Stay cheesy yall


after cross realm trading was reactivated no login…

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It’s the cross realm trading being re-enabled.

Clearly breaking down.

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o god, done it 3 times, such a grind lol. good luck

yep exactly they still cant fix their mess

Two hamsters!

I’m shocked they haven’t forgotten about Ukraine like the rest of the world.

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The hamster can’t handle the cross realm trading.

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They really need to upgrade to guinea pigs at this point.


Gaming companies have never cared if players get compromised aside from having to replace things in your game account. If they leak and your computer gets accessed many don’t care, I mean how many times do you see them ask you to drop your firewall for installation.

I find it interesting though that they enabled it again and this happens!

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Can’t raid with my crew rn. Their servers suck. This is horrible.

Pretty sure it’s a rolling DDoS across all Blizz platforms/games. Today it’s classsic.

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On all day AFK prospecting 20,000 serevite.

Exit the game to do something with addons and now I can’t get back on

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