I’ve been enjoying it so far. Got my fiance and a friend of ours to play it the past couple of weeks and so far I’m only like 60 hours in and we’re out looking for the fifth boss. So far I can say I’ve gotten my money’s worth of the $20 price tag.
Dang you’re on the 5th boss?
Trying to convince my bro and others to venture into the swap with me.
After getting swarmed by 3x blobs, 6x skeletons, 4x dreugar things with one or two stars, and leeches in the water. My bro is kind of not wanting to go back. Let say death. I went in the mountains to kill wolves it seemed easier. All that was on the outside of the swamp.
I made all the food and all types of armor. Portals. Might hit the swamp again by myself.
Get a load of frost arrows and good food and it’s not bad to navigate. Definitely want to be decent with a bow there.
How you make frost arrows?
I mostly sneak use flint arrows. Kill leech with those hit the zombies with arrow and then bring out my fire sword I found.
Then the blobs arrows while running. Still cannot find a chamber in the swamp been lookin. I take healing pots with me. I get nervous because I don’t want to die to deep in it. I eat the carrot soup for stamina and sausage for hp. Then something random.
The mat drops off drakes in the mountains.
Keep in mind with certain biomes they gotta be big enough to have certain mobs and dungeons. So if the mountains you are on don’t have a drake then you need to find another one. You can also farm obsidian off of mountains ( look like cracked black rocks about the size of tin nodes ) and make obsidian arrows. Silver also spawns there but you gotta kill the 3rd boss and get the wishbone to find.
Also if you can’t find a dungeon in your swamp it may not be big enough. First one we found was like that.
Not going to lie, the 1GB storage thing was interesting to see for a game with graphics straight out of very early Xbox 360. (2005 more specifically)
Other then that, does this game have a Single-player mode? And i don’t mean play solo, i mean a mode where i get to play offline and by my own. If so, i’l maybe keep an eye on this for a while.
Well you can play offline as single player. Sometimes it’s fun with friends.
Oh, neat.