We’re like the junk drawer. Hey, remember that shaman-only transmog ensemble from Siege? Lol, that’s open to all classes now! Wanna change the human racial? Don’t worry, shamans have Astral Recall! We can just use that functionality for the human racial instead.
Y’all want updates and patch notes for alpha? LOL nah, we’re busy with other classes. Gotta keep your entire kit in the wings in case we need to make some other race/class/spec changes for everyone BUT you.
enjoy p wave, you dweebs.
Primalists? Huge elemental themes in DF?
NONONONO. That’s for evokers.
was waiting to see if anyone else complained about creating recolors to our exclusive set and then giving them all away. Thought I might be the only one. But I guess they gave all MOP sets away, so whatever. The DK sets can be worn by all plate, same with leather and mail and whatever else. Looking forward to being allowed to change my weapon into a glaive. Just kidding, DH only.
I waa just happy to finally have the DARK SHAMAN set but seeing as all classes can wear it the appeal wore off pretry quickly and i was left with a wtf moment.
Ya i gave up on enhance while i love the theme i just hate being so rejected. Im always watching the forums tho and i always end up playing my shaman for at least one patch.
And as a side not looking at all the elementals in pandaria and wondering why we never got the option to change out elementals to them like warlocks did with their pet