Anyone else think its inappropriate?

This felt gross to me, too, but then I have to remember that a lot of these multi-millionaire types are also big philanthropists as it is. If anything, they donate millions out of their own pockets because it helps them with their taxes.

The CEO did donate $1,000,000 (divided, I believe) the United Negro College Fund, the Equal Justice Initiative, and Management Leadership for Tomorrow last year.

I’m sure more donations will be coming out of him in the future with this particular windfall.

Regardless, I look at my own personal donation to the Doctors Without Borders cause as something good I’m doing personally. It’s nice that Blizzard is donating, too.


It’s not a loophole. The company made the deal and the board approved it. Clauses like this are not rare.


This isn’t your everyday paranoia

This is

Advanced paranoia

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We give $1 and collectively, we give $1,000,000.
Maybe Bobby give more from his own pocket.

this is but one of the reasons you should not donate. activision is fully capable of this all on their own. meanwhile, we the common folk, who likely don’t have a lot of money or are in financial straits, and being told to instead. it’s disgusting.

  1. People have been asking for a while when we’d be getting a new charity event pet.
  2. A bonus in stocks that was written in five years ago to the CEO of the parent company has nothing to do with WoW’s charity event.
  3. Kotick supports a bunch of charities already. Even created one or two, iirc.

No one is telling you to do anything. Nothing changes in your life or game if you don’t donate. Blizz donates to charities quite often.

Nothing about promoting a charity is disgusting.


Maybe we’re not entitled to tell Bobby (or anybody) what to do with their own money.

Compelled charity ain’t charity.

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Donate, don’t donate, don’t pretend that Blizzard and Bobby don’t donate millions yearly to many different charities though. You have no idea of he did or did not (nor is it any of your business if he did or did not) donate out of his own pocket to Doctors Without Borders separate from the charity drive that they set up with free pets as a reward, heck you can get Bananas right now without even donating.


CEO Bobby Kotick said he’s personally donating $1 million to support a variety of charities.


I give $1 because it don’t have much money, he gives more.

I agree and don’t get the angst about donating. Blizzard has run charity donations using pets etc for years. I think it is a good thing and hope they continue. Why does anyone care what Bobby, or anyone else for that matter, donates or makes? Is it just jealousy? For all we know, he may be donating more than all of us put together. I mean donate or not, that is a personal decision, and spend less time worrying about what someone else does.

No, were not? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Even if you don’t donate, you will get the pets regardless.

Which is not forcing us. Their asking us.

I do think it’s a little weird to ask (not to be confused with allow the choice to do) people who aren’t rich to donate. While every little bit does help, the rich makes a massive difference then we can ever hope to have.

Envious. The word you’re looking for is Envious.

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It’s fundraiser. Streamers do it, Television shows do it, people who need surgery do it… the list goes on.

If you don’t care to donate then don’t and even if you don’t you still get the damn pet. It’s a company goodwill gesture that looks good on paper and in media.

That’s all there is.

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Without the “good fortune” of the “everyone go in your house and stay there” it looks, from analysts I’ve seen, that Bobby would have failed his metrics.

So…kind of a loophole, or at least the perception of it.

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I guess you don’t know about the social pressure in charities.

You are correct that nobody is telling you to do anything, and nothing notable changes, but we can’t pretend that social pressure doesn’t exist to judge on people who didn’t donate or even questioning.

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Donation drives by Blizzard are a yearly thing. They have taken flak in the past for how much of the funds have gone to charity. This time they arranged it such that 100% of the funds from the drive itself landed directly on the charity.

It’s an option the community can take or not depending on it’s wishes. There is not a stick involved…herm perhaps the “appearance” of being selfish gits for not meeting the goals. They are not taking anything away if we don’t hit the milestones.

I wish they had set up an option in the store to use BNET balance to donate as I am IRL broke as a bad joke but can generate gold quite rapidly when I want.

If you feel it is in appropriate, then you should take your money elsewhere. CEO compensation isn’t really a battle for these forums. Buy enough stock to change things. Or write to your federal representative and have them change the laws.

By the way, “Us commoners” hit the first goal in just a few days in donations. Some people donated hundreds. Some teams donated thousands.

Unless his personal group of friends is somehow pressuring him, your literature doesn’t apply here.

He’s being dramatic and calling a charity event disgusting.

I’m not talking about a personal group of friends. Infact that goes beyond then just a personal group of friends, it’s never just that. Especially since on the internet.

You can say it doesn’t apply all you want, but it still does because the internet isn’t just a personal group of friends like you said. And i honestly thought you would understand this perfectly, considering you and many others on that thread were very vocal against people’s opinion’s that aren’t really harmful and conflate them as something harmful. (I do see the actual harmful comments on there though) I just find it odd that you don’t… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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No one is pressuring anyone. It’s a drama post. Don’t put more fuel on this dumpster fire. lol