I’ve been trying to get into pugs for 14s and 15s since I’ve struggled to find a dedicated M+ group.
I’m 1100io and 210Rsham, but god damn I just end up queueing up for groups for 30+ minutes as a healer. It’s pretty wack.
Is my ilvl just garbage compared to everyone else, or is there a high influx of healers that I’m just screwed?
I just haven’t bothered. IMO the reason there’s fewer invites is just that there are fewer parties in general. Expect this to change over the next 2 months as people get more comfortable. In the meantime definitely worth pushing your own even if it’s kinda a crap dungeon.
A bit behind you at 206 and just sticking 10s for the weekly 220.
Pug life I hear you brother I can barely get into twos
yea definitely less groups going. considering M+ right now is garbage for gearing most of the high groups are just doing it to push io.
But my raid is progging CN very slow so this is my fastest way to gear, but my rng sucks and have been getting upgrades abysmally slow
How could you choose that name and not be a vulpera? lmao
No one wants a mage out of fear they’ll be frost. No one wants a warrior out of fear they’ll be fury. Sucks when your class is the most well known this xpac purely because of how terribly bad that one spec is.
Yet based on what I’ve hunters don’t get the same treatment. People are chill with hunters
I like it.
meant to post this on my Rsham. honestly sounds like they are the go to for m+ yet its still a struggle to find groups
meant to post on my shaman., made this dude end of wod as a joke
Yeah, affliction isn’t exactly the first pick people are going for (and rightly so), i’m just glad that my weekly normal/heroic raiding unlocks my weekly chest-vault thingy so i feel way less interested in doing M+. Don’t get me wrong, i’d still like to do them but i don’t care about missing out as much as i would have in the past.
Yea I can relate somewhat. It’s been a bit of a struggle. But I haven’t broken above 10s. I haven’t been running a lot of keys like in bfa and legion.
Host your own key and you are guaranteed participation.
Wait how can you struggle to get to high key as Rsham lol, but it’s also possible.
Players in those brackets are …well decent enough to not blindly follow meta. Maybe they need Bres from Rdruid? Maybe they need immune from Holy paladin? Or you just got unlucky and there were better itemlevel shaman than you…210 seems normal, but it can be higher I guess, 215-220 seems like those that beat you.
IF you want to run high keys you need to push your own key. It’s really that simple.
There is a lot of competition for running keys.
Yeah warriors have it especially rough right now. I wouldn’t even say it’s just fury warriors. A lot of min/max groups don’t want tank warriors either when they can wait few minutes for a VDH
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