Anyone else having trouble finding Feral Druids and Shadow Priests?

No, because most people are actually waiting until we get in the game and play before joining anything.

You should join me, as Warlock or Shadow Priest, or both, we’ll take ya. MC/Ony on week 5.

Could I convince you to roll Pagle :joy:

I wish I could shrug off the whole idea of needing to raid, but it’s a sad reality of Vanilla that if you’re not raiding, you’re getting eaten alive by those who do. Unless you’re one of those rare few who reach Rank 14, but let’s be real that’s going to be a very small minority.

I appreciate the offer but I’m already settled on rolling on BB, and already established with another raiding guild. If you came about a few months earlier though I would have hopped on board. Because I really did want to play a shadow priest that could look forward to T3 and an Atiesh one day. But these forums kind of killed that desire by threatening me to heal or else.

I’ve made a Druid on Pagle and plan to go Feral but don’t know if I’d have time to raid tbh. I didn’t plan the Druid to be my main, the Mage will be, the Druid is mostly for gathering. I’d have to see how it goes to decide if I have the time and want to raid on the Druid.

Damn lol the min-max try-hards have been screaming so loud that people wont even touch those classes.


Mages, actually…

we’ve got like 10 warriors 8 rogues, 6 warlocks… and only 4 mages.

Shadow Priest is my jam, only thing that was better for me was Disc on TBC. Going to be playing shadow for a long time to come now that classic is coming.

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I don’t know that many other guilds are actively looking for them, or that many hybrids would be expecting them to. It’ll come later - you’re just too far ahead of the curve :slight_smile:

I’m planning to play hybrid talent tree build for off tanking druid on Bloodsail Buccaneers. But as my guildmaster stated, although I may play whatever I want, but if the numbers don’t add up and performance suffers greatly, I’ll be stuck healing.
Our assumption is that most data available from private servers does not account for a lot of things that will hurt druid’s ability to tank even further.
I’m saying, I’ll challenge myself to tank in raid, and we shall see what happens.

Isn’t Herod going to be 90% horde?

You two need a guild on Pagle?

Our guild has an spriest and a feral on the roster. Of course, that could change by the time we’re ready to raid. But it’s the GM/RL’s plans to start off that way, at least in MC, to see how it goes.

Yeah, the research checks out for these two specs - Feral Tank can make a couple of mechanics in MC/Ony trivial and Shadow Priest has similar tricks.

We’ve got enough locks in the raid to justify the priest.

You could probably find yourself a decent druid at the druid classic discord: https :// They have a guild recruitment section there.

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Skarm is a well known private server bear tank.

Maybe you should google “classic druids are doing 30% less damage then on private servers”

Thats right, skarms server has druids doing 30% more damage then what they do in classic. So bears will be doing 30% less threat, cats will be doing 30% less damage. And thats fits in with how all vanilla vets remember them.

Edit> here…Link

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He’s actually doing way more than 30% since he’s got every world buff and consumable, MCP, BiS AQ gear, and LoH 2m armor buff on. Without those, yeah, he’d be like a vanilla bear - which are really good in 1.12.

Druids are doing 30% less Base damage in classic then they do on private servers.

Their threat in the beta looks solid - a little squishy, but preBiS and world buffs will fix that. You can see for yourself, you need a guild?

I also plan to play both.