Anyone else having trouble finding Feral Druids and Shadow Priests?

Fairbanks Alliance PVP Feral OT here :slight_smile:

There needs to be more raiders like you, flexible with being a hybrid. You need a guild btw, hehe?

I’m already set up, and I’m on Myzrael anyways :slight_smile:

I’m going to go with a 0/30/21 because NS is invaluable, especially on a PVP server!


I played this spec in Vanilla as well because it was really flexible for PvE and for PvP. Unfortunately, though, it wasn’t as effective in Naxx. Though I guess it depends on which hybrid style you went with.

I think I was 0/30/21, and missing those later healing talents in the resto tier definitely hurt. Hell of a fun spec to play though :smiley:

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The good ones are always taken!! :broken_heart:

Yea, once you get to Naxx/AQ, you do notice the healing loss. Up until then it does well. I went WAY overboard with consumables and was viable. Not great, but viable.

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Do you need either of those classes though? I understand letting them in, but actively looking for them?

There are PLENTY of people that aren’t rushing to the end to raid. You will find plenty of friends who enjoy the same things you do about Classic. That’s what makes Classic great.

Yea, if I were on a PvP, I’d be tempted to do a 1/29/21 build. Keeping Nature’s Grasp on you all the time, as well as having an emergency heal, offsets the loss I believe.

I’m on a PvE, so 0/30/21 is what I’m starting with at least.

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You’ll go OOM or not enough threat real fast

In my experience, having a feral can be nice, but definitely not needed.

Having a single shadow priest can really help though if you have 4+ warlocks.

1/29/21 is really nice for pvp when it happens. Same build but the roots in form can be invaluable.

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Most shadow priests that you encounter will probably be melting people in WPVP. That’s something they’re great for in classic.

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Or mind controlling people off airships/boats. Good stuff.

Feral OT are invaluable. Because it stops a few of the fights between the warriors on who HAS to tank, and who gets to continue DPS.

1 million Warrior’s will be rolled on launch day. 200 will make it to raid teams. 12o will want to tank. 20 Will be ABLE to tank.


Or the Great Lift from Barrens to 1k needles

/whistles inconspicuously

I have no idea what that means.

Don’t you need gear for that though? And to get that gear, don’t you need to raid? Which will be a tough situation if you’re a shadow priest.

Shadow Priest can easily be replaced with a mage. I wouldn’t worry.