Anyone else having their cursor freeze briefly when moving your mouse?

Posted this on technical forums. It’s like the cursor has auto aim now or something. I’ll be trying to move my mouse like normal and it’s like the mouse gets stuck on something and won’t move until I stop moving my mouse completely and try again. I’ve tried this on 3 different mice and this only happens in wow

looks like they are pumping some of the shadowlands assets into live! this is a core feature of the shadowlands alpha-beta atm

Are you serious? This is horrible. Like sometimes it’ll just randomly stop moving when I’m trying to kill a cap totem and I can’t kill it in time. Wtf
If it is I’d really love the script to disable it

Sounds like a fresh bug.

No luck for the Thellendir, you seemed to be having connection issues last night too. Had a couple people mention this issue today as well, hopefully they fix soon.

Yea I forgot my provider frequently drops signal for about 10 minutes at 3:15 am est cuz I normally queue around 6-8est. My healer dced once too. Bad night

yes the same exact thing has been happening to me. was pissing me off so bad, i thought my mouse was breaking because it felt like what happened to my last one

/console rawMouseEnable 0 fixed my camera prob, but the freezing is stil there

Woah I noticed something this morning and thought I was crazy.

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I actually am having this problem too. Didn’t think much of it, thought was my mouse or something.

Checked everything cleaned mouse and mouse pad and still. And then I saw your post.nd a few others. So glad I’m not alone

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Don’t worry fam, we wait every time :slight_smile:

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Your mouse is cold, its winter, put it in a warm spot for a bit. Maybe an arm pit or between a belly rolls… warm it up.

Try reducing your mouse sensitivity, seems to help. Mine was at 6.5 and I reduced to 4.5.

How do we 2-year necro a 2-yeae necrod post?!