Anyone else having issues getting Mycobloom to mill via Create All?

It doesn’t happen every single time I try to mill 1000 Mycobloom herbs, but often I’ll hit “Create All” then it’ll do a cast time and craft one stack of Nacreous Pigment then say “Requires 10 Mycobloom” even though I have 990+ stacks in my reagent bag on my actual character.

This doesn’t happen with the other herbs, and even if I manually tell it to mill 50+ via the “Create” button it gives me the same error.

Please help, I’m tired of hitting the “Create” button 100+ times just to get Mycobloom milled.


it mills from the first stack in the list so keep that stack topped up.

It’s rediculous thats it’s working that way however thank you for the solution

Wow I wasn’t expecting it to work that way, Thank you, I’ll give it a go asap!