Anyone else having HD textures make their Characters armor turn black?

I thgink its the HD textures feature. All my toons look like shadows, except for their cloak and weapon. I turn it off and reload it comes back to normal.

My dk’s guild crest is black, since that update. Sometimes my addons don’t load. Also some weakauras are dead.

I am seeing this.

Offhand I’d say they missed some mesh updates to armours. You can see this in say skyrim/fallout using armours not meant for the body used.

I’d say its old armour an issue but my 82 rogue in 80 to 82 gear…has half black pants. That half is odd as hell.

Most likely, the game failed to install all of the HD textures correctly. This is a pretty common thing that would happen with placeholders.

I’d try deleting and redownloading the HD textures and see if it does the same thing or a different thing.

I haven’t had issues. I’m loving the HD textures. I hope reloading the textures helps.

Dreadnaught looks completely different, different color, different designs, etc.