Anyone else have WoW tokens taking forever to sell today?

Anyone else have WoW tokens taking forever to sell today?

When you purchase a wow token it says it will take between 2-12 hours to sell. Has it been considerably longer than 12h to indicate something is wrong?

I understand that is what it says, but I’ve been buying 20 tokens a week for several months and they have consistently sold between 3-4 hours. Only one time we’re they sold outside of that time window (5hrs).

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20 tokens a week is quite an investment.

I’ve only sold a couple of tokens in the past but they always sold within 12 hours.


When I buy a token, I just put it on the AH and forget about it and go on with my day.

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A fool and his money


buying 20 tokens a week OMEGALUL


Wait, I need to do the math on this.
A token is $20.
20 tokens is $400.
$400 a week, for 1 month is $1600.
$1600 for “several” (let’s say 3?) months is… $4800.

Well. That’s just… wow. Your money, your choices.


This might shock some of you but lots of people make 300K+ a year.

That does not shock me.
Choosing to spend such a large portion of it on gold for a video game shocks me.


Eat the rich

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lol…Have you seen MtG players and the amount of money they spend. Look up Prepared, he spent A TON of cash for the game.

Are we getting this right?

Cause I thought it was the other way around… I thought he bought it with gold to have the currency on Battle. net. Maybe I read it wrong…


Fair question. Since he talked about the speed at which they were sold, I assumed he was the one selling them. I may be misunderstanding as well.


Depends on the format. But the vintage decks i see at the pro tour… Yikes… Just… Yikes. Thats some major $$$

I never judge people on how much they spend on their hobbies. My dad likes buying model trains, it’s not unheard of him dropping $300 on a locomotive. I’m a miniature wargamer, that should give you an idea how much I have invested. I used to run around with WW2 reenactors, the money they spend on stuff is obscene.

Money spent on video games…pffft


Sorry If i came off as judging. I played mtg until my work schedule changed. Legacy formats can Get expensive.


If you have the money $400/month on your hobby is not unreasonable

But like why though? Genuinely curious what your spending all that gold on.

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This is the truth. People spend more money on worthless things and other hobbies.