I got the weekly done, and turned it in, and got a 250 ilevel trinket.
Also, it won’t let anyone choose anything besides the zaralek cavern one. (which is ok for me, as that’s what I picked but everyone else is saying that’s the only one that it would let them choose)
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Same same thing. 250 ilvl item from the champion chest.
Only did one character and holding off on completing/opening it on others for now.
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Same here.
I did too.
Wrote it in a similar thread. (there’s another thread about this)
Found the other thread
Aug 2nd, and this is still happening. Just finished the weekly, only to open a 250 trinket. feelsgoodman
Not only season 2 stuff… but from a different class as well lmao
This happened to multiple rewards boxes on my level 70 brewmaster while working towards the weekly today.