Anyone else get pruned some?

Lost a few things, picked up a couple things. Sad to see tranq darts go. That’s a big nerf. I thought it was getting moved to the talent tree? :frowning:

Side note, anyone else’s mouse speed jacked?

losing 1 minute sac is really really lame. But my healing is actually on par with other healers now so it kind of makes up for it,

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Bloodrage is gone :dracthyr_cry_animated: Aaaaaaaaaaaaa

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The shaman tree looks to be so much better for defense and utility. Shamans might be really OP.

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im actually rly sad essence font was removed

i know it wasnt the biggest source of heals, but i just straight up enjoyed channeling it and seeing the animation.

RIP =(

They took away my melee range. :rage:

How do they expect me to keep the haters away now? :pensive:

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6 seconds of subterfuge.

And with two vanishes, you can get another 12 seconds of subterfuge if needed.

Not sure what Blizzard is smoking, but that is a bit excessive.

Literally have a better version in class talents that’s going to, for good reason, get nerfed lol.


Lost Mindgames, and either my healing fell off or other healers got buffed.

Still feel okay, though.

Has holy changed much at all? I kinda want to play it but it looks to be quite similar

Outside of Mindgames, not at all that I can tell.

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My holy priest team mate looks more durable than when we played on Sunday. Maybe that is just a result of the boost to secondary stats? But figured that would be negated by the opponents also having a boost to their offensive abilities…

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I’ve basically retired to only doing RBGB now, so I can’t really say how it feels with dampening. I don’t really feel at a disadvantage healing-wise, I just miss having MG to correctly time to blow up an EFC or healer.

Healing-wise I still feel able to keep a raid alive in a BG.

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Losing tranq darts is a massive nerf I agree. You can turn off the mouse sensitivity settings in the options menu

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Don’t you get two diff versions now in Hunter tree though? Kodo x Devilsaur. Kodo seems kinda insane, purges 2 other enemies of 1 magic effect?

Doesn’t seem like a nerf really

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It’s not and Kodo going to get tuned for sure lol.

lowering HOT duration was pretty OP. Kodo is also pretty OP and I agree it will probably get cut in half

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Ya but it was really only op into wizards where we could abuse the kick reducing duration. Kodo doesn’t require that.

Yea, I’m not sure what’s going on atm. Asked some friends and they said they had no change. I can’t get my mouse speed or look speed dialed. It’s also impacting the mouse speed out of game as well. Like if I have wow running, but in a window.

Fw became unplayable. MW is still F tier