Anyone else find the worst impediment to alts this expansion are legendaries?


your discord founder was the first post within seconds, you show up everywhere I go here!

You’re derailing your own thread with hostility and false rumors. I’m trying to give you helpful information and you’re being toxic over misinformation. No one knows you or cares to speak of you outside this forum.

Let’s try to stick to your actual topic and stop harassing others.


None of my alts have legendaries. They do just fine.


One of my alts has a low level gold text legendary, the other alts have the white no stats item and i just dont care to do more.

Cosmic flux and the unfun reminder that my main’s progress in ZM (ZM progression aside from rep/campaign was completely useless for my main btw) wouldn’t carry over >.>

I do not see the correlation between leggos and ruining tier.

The cost is annoying, and believe me I got 3 for my hunter while they were still very expensive (1 was 110k alone). Now, by running 3-4 callings each on 2 characters (which can be your main and the alt in question), you can afford 1 leggo.

Sounds like you are complaining about capitalism. I thought you supported that?

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Eh, I’ll get a bunch of alts to 60 and gear them in the pre-patch like I normally do.

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I don’t see you capable of understanding this topic or many others knowing how you are.

Allow me to explain.

The single viable survival hunter legendary is either for belt or legs. belt goes to unity, I’ll let you figure out what only other remaining slot is also a tier slot.

It seems it will be quite hard for you in ALL ways once you realize 2+2+4.

Oh, more gang-stalkers. Let me guess by your views and other qualities that you and the utterly indistinguishable classic character (who totally isn’t your alt) are from the same clandestine discord.

capitalism isn’t a heavily speculated necessity of government-mandated goods by government-approved cronies. THAT is a key part of fascism if applied nationally and a key part of communism if internationally.

Of course you support this.

Sounds more like a choice to me since you could just earn the gold to buy the pieces for legendaries
or in WoDs case earn the rep by grinding it out and earn the gold to buy the rep tokens


Of which is made purposely terrible and blizzard sells the “solution.”

I’d seriously like to see Sandworn Relics account wide.


Free Unity is only belt
crafted can be any slot.
Tier is Head, Shoulders, Chest, Legs, Gloves
you only need 4 pieces so the Cluster Bomb legendary can be crafted for legs and you still get 4 piece without having to buy a base legendary item to replace Unity.

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So your “solution” is:

  1. lie.
  2. tell every player to (PER CHARACTER) grind zm for over a month just to change a legendary slot?

What if you never get any other item for any other slot for weeks?

Am I wrong that you need to complete that long quest chain in ZM to unlock the ability to wear a second legendary? If so, please tell me. Otherwise, my alts will likely be stuck wearing just one.

Actually, with this last patch, the cost of legendary base items on the AH has gone down SEVERELY on my server. The cost was a barrier to me before, so I only had a legendary on my warrior and monk. Now I have the welfare belt on a handful of toons and my warlock and death knight have their double legendaries.

Right now my worst impediment for my alts is getting Sandsworn Relics to get my 4pc bonus. On almost all my max level 60’s I have at least a 2pc bonus.

The legendary talents and tier bonuses make my toons more fun to play than when I was leveling them. xD

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You can craft the Unity memory in any slot on any character as soon as you buy iton your main. :slightly_smiling_face:


Where did I lie?

You can craft the Unity memory in any slot on any character as soon as you buy iton your main

Creation Catalyst.

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Woohoo! I genuinely didn’t know that.



This is what you’re looking for from the vendor, in case you haven’t bought it yet:

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