Anyone else feeling burned out?

I’m feeling a very slight burnout atm.

Every week there’s always some new OP spec in the game, it feels like damage is always way too high no matter what they tune and shuffle gets genuinely frustrating the longer and longer I play it.

Low key thinking of just taking a break and coming back for a different season.




If you do anything long enough it will burn you out. There will always be something at the top that feels oppressive to everybody else. I can’t recall a patch where people weren’t complaining about this spec or that spec. I just personally don’t want the top spec to be so overwhelming that it is nearly an unwinable matchup no matter who is behind the wheel. As far as taking a break … I won’t be but if you feel you need one do it before you get to a point where you lose all enjoyment from playing.

Problem with DF is that it’s too easy to gear up and reroll FoTM now so you end up seeing everyone do it the moment something becomes oppressive which is what makes it really unfun.

Disc priest for example has more representation than any other spec in the game atm all because of how OP people were saying it was.

Before that it was DH, before that it was another FoTM.

It’s just too much lol

No. I’m actually about to gear up my 6th toon. Took a couple days off from work next week so I can gear them up. Most fun I’ve had in PvP in a while. I’m excited to see what they do next like maybe solo queue BG’s


The problem is not new, but bad!
No one ever gets tired of tasting different cuisines.
But people get tired of having problems at work.
Spending money and time to learn, and then not getting the expected return, so frustration arises.
They had to, however, because once players figured out their food truck was long empty, it would crash much faster.

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Yes and no. I never really got into DF so it’s hard to be burned out on something I was never passionate about.

I’m just living my best life leveling Alts and mog farming :tipping_hand_woman:t2:

Do it. Taking a break from a game is healthy.

I wouldn’t call being able to play alts a problem. I’m a toonaholic myself but when it comes down to it I generally go back to my main/Alt. I enjoy playing other styles but even more importantly it gives me some insight on how to cause them more trouble when playing my mains. People will play fotm toons regardless of how hard or easy it is to level gear but this expansion does really amplify that. The good news is blizzard has been really on top of tuning the classes and before you know it people will stop complaining about and playing discs and move on to complain about and playing rets soon.

I’m burnt out on throwaway classic alt baitposters.


I mean I know what you kinda mean with seeing certain classes too much. I am still tired of seeing DH so much and for some reason a lot of MM this week but overall they move on.

I’m not feeling burned out so much as I am somewhat apathetic.

1800 used to be a big goal for me and I wanted it for the mogs every season. It’d usually take me a couple months at least to get there, and it felt rewarding. I’ve never really had the desire to push past that.

Between Assa being strong and RSS being kind of easy to climb, but super long que windows, I got it like 3 weeks into the season and have just been sort of messing around on alts or just playing skirms and logging off.

If they somehow get faster RSS ques I’d probably play more but it doesnt feel worth it for me atm

Why not go for 2400 then, theres more mog there?

For me, burnout occurs when gearing is too tedious, massive imbalance issues, too much cheating, or feeling like the grind is never over.

I feel like the only reason I can even play the game right now is because I started when DF released. I can’t even imagine starting from the beginning when everyone else is already full conquest geared. I’m thinking about abandoning my honor-geared alt because of the slow pace of conquest acquisition and getting destroyed in unranked pvp lol.

Yeah man take a break for a while. I actually started taking a break about 2 weeks ago and have been really glad I decided to do so. I keep an eye on the forums to see if the general feeling about the game is more positive cuz I’m sure I’ll eventually come back like I always do. In the meantime, just focusing on family and taking better care of my back and playing some other games here and there. It feels good to rest from the game for a bit.

Just gear up and play whatever is strong into the fotm class. Then go 4-2 or 6-0 every lobby.

NOPE /10 char

Definitely feeling super burnt out and annoyed with shuffle tbh. I am finding it much harder to get rating in shuffle on healers compared to when I did it in 2s or 3s in the past.

I’m less feeling burned out on the gameplay, and more because my friends from past expansions aren’t on often, and WPvP seems to be dropping off noticeably too.

That kind of killed it for me. All the people I usually play with just spam RSS now. Feels kind of stupid to play an MMO in silence with total strangers. Lol