Anyone else feel the SOD Jealousy

From memory it was apply to M+, get denied or accepted, run it to the end, and finished.

No time to talk or use toys or bum around, because it’s a timed affair. People just wanna be done with it so they can move on to the next one.

Because SoD is slower, people are naturally talking more often, there’s tons of downtime.

Retail doesn’t have any downtime, it’s just go-go-go as soon as you’re able, and that hurt the social aspect of things, imo.

In regards to feeling like an MMO, I think SoD is actually the best WoW version for that kind of stuff.

Retail may be superior gameplay-wise, but socially it’s missing something.

That is definitely one way to play the game.

And you can definitely choose to play it similar on Classic. Granted when I have tried classic the only conversation I ever really saw take place was everyone patting themselves on the back for playing Classic and not retail.

But retail leaves plenty of avenues to be constantly social. You even remarked one from classic. Joining a guild and running dungeons.

Guess what? I run dungeons with a guild all the time and we are constantly talking.

I am not saying this next part applies to you, just in a general sense:

The issue (to me) is that more people want the social aspect given to them, and do not want to do much on their end to cultivate it. They want others to feel “forced” to talk to them, rather than put in effort on their end to meet people, talk with them.


only allowed to raid in Wrath Classic if you have enough gold

Pretty sure the entire point of SOD is to test stuff out instead of committing to it for an entire expansion.

Devs can try new stuff, if they don’t work out or get too unbalanced, just scrap it. If it works, add it to retail later.

Nope. Thanks for asking, but no.

Don’t you wanna sift through 8 hours of recorded content to find your minute and a half of windfury one shots to play under half a Limp bizkit song?


Because we should.
But the retail devs are incredibly lame.

I think those things are incredibly lame.

Check mate.

You sound a lot like someone who would have poopoo’d the idea of Classic servers a few years ago.


Because I don’t like the unbalanced mess of SoD?

Because I don’t want retail to be turned into a simplified enough game for SoD runes to be implemented in retail?

I am happy that there is classic and SoD for people that enjoy it. I don’t want retail changed as much as it would be needed to for the same things to happen in retail

Because you just did the same to the entirety of what SoD offers.

Except I said I am fine with SoD servers existing.

I am fine with what SoD offers. It’s not for me. But I am happy it exists so others can enjoy it.

I am saying I don’t want retail changed into SoD.

You seem to be ok with calling retail lame?

Retail wouldn’t change into SoD by adding new things, it would just be Retail with new things.

Definitely is from a narrative standpoint. In fact, I would say that part’s undeniably terrible.

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Then it wouldn’t be what is being asked for.

All of WoWs narrative is undeniably terrible.

Always has been.

By me claiming it’s undeniably terrible, you aren’t allowed to disagree with me.

Only if you take the ask in the least charitable light you can think of.
Which tends to be the case in these parts.

Most of it is, enough I think to support calling it awful on the whole.
Especially with the whole forgiveness of attempted genocide thing they’ve got going on right now.

If you’re trying to make a point come out and say it.
Unless you don’t have one, in which case carry on.

Nope, it would break all retail balance.

2h enhance was asked for.

Changing how current enhance works to implement 2h enhance would mean something is lost.

Forgiveness for Genocide take what…5?

The constant forgiveness of genocide has been a regular thing.

I just think its a little silly to call anything subjective “undeniable” because removes the possibility of conversation unless the person agrees with you.

I still think Augmentation should’ve been a shaman spec. It fits them really well. Drawing power from the earth, buffing allies via totems, having off heals and group buffs etc.

Could’ve even been a 2H shaman spec and would still fit really well


Unless it’s a specialization or option that’s added.
Neither of which are turning the game into SoD as you yourself said.

I’ll take bad writing doesn’t excuse bad writing for 500g.

Writing can be objectively good or bad, whether I or anyone else happens to like it or not.

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So they are going to add “2h enhance” to go along with “dw enhance”. As separate specs.

lol ok.

Ok. Just dont pretend its a recent thing. And hasnt always been here. From day 1. Including WotLK.