Anyone else feel the SOD Jealousy

I don’t find any of that stuff to be cool. The only things they gotta really shake up in the game are affixes (as in remove), and raid. The solution with raid is not that simple, and quite frankly IDK what it is.


Can’t say I do. Classic has it’s fans but it’s not for me. I’d prefer they perfect what they have now and add stuff down the line.

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There’s still plenty of time to add in fourth (and third for Demon Hunters) specializations.

Not really, because I assume they are using SoD as a testing ground for what ideas go over well with players and how to implement them.


LOL, :grinning: well.

Im just mad that they’ve had more tuning patches in the last two weeks than retail had gotten all season.

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they need to make aug another DPS or tank spec

I feel like it is way to late in wows life to start introducing support specs and only have the one released maybe if they hade lauched aug with 2 to 3 other supports specs it might have went better but i guess we will never know

I don’t get the 2H enhance hype I leveled a shaman in TBC classic and I hated shaman until I got dual wield

No way! Awful take aug is chill :sunglasses:

I look forward to more support specs

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Retail is neglected badly compared to classic versions of the game.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:

Im jealous of SoD because next week they start the Discoverer’s Delight 100% xp buff for levelling characters, obviously.

I mean, 100%.

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I am not jealous of SOD or classic in anyway. I simply don’t follow the news about it and know very little about anything they offer. That is how interested I am in them.

Not even in the slightest.

I prefer a balanced game, which SoD isn’t. That’s kinda the point of the thing. To experiment and test things out.

2H enhancement hasn’t been a thing for almost two decades, warlock tanks hasn’t EVER been good for the game, and mage healers is quite literally just a weird version of discipline priests meaning we already have a better version of that on retail.

Not at all.

Pretty sure the math on this doesnt line up.

Old 2h enhance took any viable skill away from the player. It was about turning on auto attack and waiting for your proc to do the work for you.

If you lost or did bad? It wasnt your fault. You just didnt proc. If you won? You looked cool, despite it also not being due to your gameplay.

As long as we ignore constant tuning patches, content patches, expansions, and everything dealing with reality.


Classic is a much simpler game than retail. Its much easier to do things like this in classic, as there are fewer tuning knobs, and the content is generally much less complex. Now I would be very interested in all of them on retail, but I dont have the confidence that they would be executed well.

I don’t get comments like this. You think the retail devs would make a 2h enhance spec that played like something in Vanilla?

Why are you people so against people having more options? All I see from the forum regulars is a big wall of no when anyone suggests anything really.

They could at least just let players cosmetically use a 2 hand weapon.

These forums are filled with some of the most stagnant minds in the game. Sorry to go there, but it is true.

I loved that you used almost an example of a 20-year-old version of the shaman to try to make an argument against having a modern 2h enhance option. The brain rot in this community is off the charts.

Just like the current developers, there is zero creativity among many of the remaining players that play retail WoW.

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Just don’t care anymore. It’s just pixels and a game. Also, true of RL. I count my blessings and thankful I have what I already have

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: