this is my head canon now of Arthas.
I can go into ulduar then right?
class balancing changes that were made progressively across the expansion
OMG. Do you ever stop whining?
Blizzard, Hire this person.
But we have the final class balancing in P1, that’s why everything is so faceroll. RDF should’ve been added in, it makes no sense.
Wrath has been amazing! Enjoying raiding, leveling professions. Dungeons are easy to get into. My only complaint so far has been my mammoth not holding passengers and they fixed it! (Thank you blizzard!). I don’t have any more complaints. Really enjoying myself, a lot more than TBC.
Posting in a Garmuck thread. A repeated one, at that
No it is great so far.
I thought you never played original wrath?
I can still google what was in the original game and see that this one doesn’t even come close to matching it.
This entirely. My only complaint is that if you don’t get a moderately competent and geared group for naxx 10, you spend almost 5 hours in there >.>
okay, so rdf wasn’t in at the start of wrath, so what part are you taking issue with.
3.5.5 balancing wasn’t also at the start of the wrath, so what part of that do you not understand when people want RDF?
Wrath been the most popular private server expansion, people been playing it for years.
Blizzard messed up something
the part where you compare to how wrath was in the first place, and then you mention rdf.
People who bring up the patch are not making a strong argument.
DK’s were significantly stronger at WoTLK launch and look how many DK’s there are now. If we launched with original balancing, people would just stack more DK’s and content would be even easier than it is now.
No my point in bringing it up was because people keep saying “No RDF in original P1” well we didn’t have 3.5 balancing in original P1 either, matter in fact RDF came out in 3.5 balancing patch so it should be included as well.
The fact that it’s not included is why a lot of people are upset and don’t even want to keep going after making a single main, it’s too tedious to relevel over and over without it.
I mean yeah I guess? I was just bringing up the balancing thing to showcase that same balance patch came with RDF so regardless of the phase we’re in it should include all the features from it.
the only way for this to be a valid argument is if the person you’re mentioning to is actually fighting about those other changes.
I wouldn’t care if we had first patch balancing, so it actually is a pointless stance.