Retribution on Retail sucks so much, I’ve hated it ever since Legion. I’m excited to try out WOTLK Ret, and see how the spec played before Holy Power was introduced. Anyone else feel the same way?
No, I played it back then.
Everyone who doesn’t play ret is not excited for it, I can tell you that
Till ICC its gonna feels awful to play till you get divine storm reset from T10.
Isn’t this when you could optimize Ret with a one-button macro?
as a ret pally main in tbc classic, i would say yes, but the numbers disparity has been so ugly that i’ve already hyped myself up for being able to play OG unholy dk again!
Yes. I wouldn’t say “optimize” but you could play it with a one-button macro and do well enough. Just have to hope the macro hits the ability as it comes off CD.
I am very excited but also anxious. I do not want seal of vengeance as the main seal. I want to keep seal of blood and seal of command. They removed seal of blood around Ulduar time and I am guessing they are going to go with that design, which was really lame.
Classic runs on the latest patch of each expansion, so you won’t even have Seal of Blood/Seal of Martyr.
Depends on what patch version WRATH comes out and if you going to raid to get bis gear from ICC.
I enjoyed ret in original wrath but it wasn’t as strong with bis as DK or War.
It’s not always about how good or “in the meta” a class is; it’s about fun factor, which Ret absolutely does not have on the live servers.
Fun is such subjective word. My ret is duelist geared on live and in BGS i am having fun.
I 'm glad you enjoy it then… many people don’t, however.
This can be said about absolutely any class in any expansion. If you not having fun well good luck having fun in wrath many if people I know enjoying current ret.
Thats how I am. Been there done that for both paladin and shaman both were super OP in WoTLK. Did DK,pally,warrior,sham back then. So I did all the good things back when it was the greatest.
I’ll be making a prot paladin on a fresh server to level. Depending what happens at max level I’ll pug raids as whatever spec is needed.
I remember doing that. You’re right that it wasn’t the most optimal but I just did it because I thought it was hilarious, lol.
it’s pretty faceroll in wrath but it still holds up imo. the animations alone are miles better than retail.
Yes. Can’t wait. Even w.o T10 it’s still fun.
Lol everyone forgets this, I wouldn’t say awful though, just not as great as everyone remembers it.