Anyone else excited for Path of Exile 2?

Looks absolutely insane. Kinda salty it’s dropping just a few weeks after we finally got classic.


kind of, glad it’s coming out but it’s just EA that they said could last as early as six months but more likely 12.

Extremely excited, can’t wait.

Even though it’s EA, the devs said it’s about 80% there. I’m sure we’ll get updates throughout EA as well.

Easy 300 hours before I get bored considering it’s new or revamped content.


Really looking forward to a Monk that isn’t ignored by the game devs.

I’m an ARPG summoner addict myself.

And the summoning system for POE looks like by far the best I’ve ever seen.

Really excited. I’ve been searching for a true replacement for Diablo II, and tried D3, Grim Dawn, PoE 1, and none of them really captured that level of depth while also being intuitive. What I heard about PoE 2 gives me hope.

Grim Dawn was fun years ago but really fell short for me.

Last Epoch was great, but I found it to be like a play-one-char through and done kinda game. Had little interest in putting in a lot of hours

D2 and D3 I played a lot, D2 with some mods as well extended the longevity for me. D4 was cringe bad.

Hopefully PoE2 is as good as it looks.

been liking it so far, they recently did updates late last night
with the loot up and some other stuff being worked on. i’m glad since its a looter game
and getting 5g and some whites and crap blues on high tier bosses aint fun
hoping they keep going. it’s pretty solid for an ea.

This is my main source of entertainment right now.

I’m somewhat burnt on Delves and leveling so it’s been a nice change of pace.

It’s not an easy game though, so I’m hoping it’ll improve my gaming skills. :laughing: