Anyone else excited about leveling up their Earthen over the long weekend?

Just a few more quests before I am up to date with the campaign and I’ll be ready to go.

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Not me, Dwarves are ugly regardless of what they are made of.

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The last part of the earthen unlock isn’t available until tuesday. This coming.


Are the earthen coming before 9/3? I thought they were locked to the nest story mission.

If so I am stoked! I’ll need to finish the next story mission asap.

I’ve always loved eating rocks though. Now it can be a part of my class fantasy.

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I am rolling a stoner dwarf.

Not sure what Class yet.

They can’t be DKs so they can’t be me

Front page of the book.

I have the name Rocknroll saved. Gonna make an Earthen monk.


Right now, I’m not excited about leveling anything else. I’m not finding leveling fun at all.

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Not available yet until next week sometime.

I’m rolling with a mage - Asblastos.

I’m indifferent

Don’t like dwarves

Meanwhile I still havent finished the campaign because Light damn and I lazy.

So I’ll likely get to a earthen some time in mid 2025.

I wish we could but we can’t unlock them until Tuesday. I doubt I will level one more than likely I will Race Change.

I hate to be another Bearer of bad news, as someone who will be maining an earthen, they don’t open up until Sept 3rd…

That being said, I have 2 race changes and plan on leveling one from scratch aswell.

I’m a firm believer in people can like what they want to like.

I know I sure as hell don’t like 'em. But they’re leagues better than the Mechagnomes.


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I’m just happy you can Race Change and still get Heritage Armor.

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Can’t say I am excited to play an Earthen at all. I have never even leved a Dwarf.

Same. If I didn’t plan on rolling a new one anyways and it was still the old way… I wouldn’t go out of my way to level one for heritage armor. Atleast not until timewalking or something.

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