Anyone else banned for getting 5k gold in the mail?

They had people working in customer support back then. Given ticket times I assume no one works customer support.

Just enough truth to not be completely lying.

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RMT bots move 100s of thousands of gold per day and they’re flourishing so I don’t think just moving gold is the algorithm.

haha bro trust me i moved exactly 5k gold -the most popular increment for purchasing gold -from one of my accounts to the other on a low pop server but i totally didnt buy any those are totes both my accounts i never rmt’d honest my guy

No. You bought gold and were stupid/arrogant enough to move it that openly. You got caught.



Thats why those low level items are on the ah 50k gold

Maybe blizzard should fix their system before having these automated bans.

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This made me chuckle.

stop buying gold


Yeah they up the security on that around launches so if you do buy gold which don’t obviously just farm it. It’s not difficult so just be careful if you need to send gold especially if it’s to another account

doesnt a high percentage of wotlk pop buy gold? i’d been in like 3 diff raiding guilds since classic-wotlk classic and almost everyone in them bought gold.

Dunno if it’s because between accounts (only use one), but I moved 15k between characters last Saturday and I’m still alive and kicking. So I don’t have that issue, good luck OP.

They don’t
 My appeal for a BS suspension (susp is over the 4th) still 21 days out
 Don’t even think it will be a human seeing the appeal. They stated, don’t worry! Before we permaban your acct, someone will look at the issues!


i can see someone is already thinking
 i hate “soandso” and for a meer 5,000g i can get them banned

I have sent my self gold (probably over 5,000 gold in total) over the start of the new realm. I havent been banned yet but maybe its the number or maybe it detected someone else sent you gold from a different account
 no idea but this is kind of scarry and yet funny at the same time (I have a weird sense of humor) :slight_smile:

did you own both accounts? and only you been logging those 2x accounts?
if one of those accounts had a login from different country at any point then good luck xD

P.S i sent to my self 70k via mail from my account to another few weeks ago and nothing happened and this was not the first time i transfer gold between my accounts because i own multi accounts and never had any problem if i’ve traded the gold or just sent via mail and tbh i believe that blizzard never ban innocent people so if you get banned then you’re probably did illegal activity

It used to be worse. Back in the old days they would sometimes flag you for sending large amounts between characters on the same account.

Either way, Blizzard has assured us that a human reviews each infraction. Good luck with the appeal. Let us know how it ends by
 Groundhog day?

It is Wrath. Your gold income from quest, vendor grey, trash drops
 are several times higher than TBC.

Just imagine what they’d do to you if it was 10k gold? The horror!

OP bought gold and came to forums to winge about it

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This is the problems with the community. A person cant ask a questions without being called a whiner, liar, noob, etc, etc. It was my third account with nothing but bank toons on it. While its annoying to not be able to able to access all the mats I have its not life ending. I still have all my main characters to play, still have plenty of gold on those toons, and other than not being able to access some cloth and eternals it hasn’t caused me any downtime really. Thanks to everyone who has shared their experiences. I still haven’t gotten answer yet, probably wont, and will be happy to get my account back in a little over a week.

To haters
keep hating. We love you!

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