Anybody else finding that sub shadowstep is bugged?

Anybody else finding that Shadowstep on their Sub Rogue is bugged?
I’d be in melee and attacking A, change to B who is “over there”, press shadowstep, and then FOOMPH! Find myself behind target A, selected target is still B, and I’m far away from where I was hoping to be…

This is driving me crazy, because it completely removes my mobility tools on Zekvir in ??.
Any suggestions or ideas?

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Oops. Was on the wrong toon when I posted…

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Are you using a shadowstep macro? If so, make sure it isn’t causing you to change targets.

Is this happening during shadow dance? Make sure your shadowstep button is where it’s supposed to be, because the action bars change.


Nup - I’ve actually gone through and checked that I have zero macros on shadowstep. I even took away my target zekvir + kick macro just to make sure I wasn’t accidentally doing that (except that won’t account for me aiming for Zekvir to step there, and still ending up behind the egg…)
Also nup, just checked, same slot for shadowstep on both. :frowning:

So you haven’t seen it before? :frowning:
So maybe not a bug and really just me doing something weird? Ugh.

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I’ve experienced something similar where I tab target and it bounces back to the original target. But it’s not specifically related to shadow step.

Maybe it has something to do with auto attacks switching back the original target just before you hit shadow step. Probably not a bug as much as it’s a timing issue.

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I’ve seen this on more than just Rogue. It’ll happen with Warrior charge abilities and other similar things- if I tab and press the ability too quickly, it goes for the prior target.

Bit strange.

Ooooo managed to record it!

Bad shadowstep on Zekvir

It wasn’t terrible this time cause I was expecting it, but it’s definitely super weird. And annoying. And gets me in trouble most times.
It actually means that most times I lose out on a key part of my rogue’s mobility. :frowning:

Now it’s making me wonder if I SHOULD be using a macro to target Zekvir THEN Shadowstep.

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You could try that. Zekvir was clearly your target when you pressed shadow step. Very strange.

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So you’ve only seen this when using tab targeting? Not when you’ve used clicks? I’m SO used to tab targeting, I’m not sure how well I’ll go with it. lol
And let’s face it, it’s hard enough as a rogue on Zekvir dealing with enfeebling spit, with a buggy mobility skill, AND a need to change my click behaviours, it’d be even harder! :frowning:

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Honestly, I’d need to sit and recreate this, but I’m pretty sure I’ve noticed this issue even when manually targeting instead of tabbing. Probably some sort of hilariously minute disconnect between actions taken and actions the server perceives in terms of target changing.

Yeup, I’ve definitely needed to be a bit more careful/deliberate with Shadowstep than I used to be because of this.

You dont even need to deal with half of them. Feint it and the dot becomes a joke.

No way… Seriously? It’s classed as an AOE???
This is… HUGE!
I’ll give this a try tomorrow, thank you! :smiley:

… its not. Elusiveness just makes feint apply to all damage taken.

One thing I thought of, which is a bane of all range classes, is that if you have a hard target that is out of range, you will instead cast on a nearby soft target if you have action targeting turned on. You can see in the video that the cocoon is highlighted as a soft target. You might have only been a few steps out of range on Zekvir. Just a thought.

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I see, get a flat 20% damage reduction, rather than cheat death. Interesting!
Yes, might be worthwhile… I’ll give it a try, thank you :smiley:

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I’m just returning to Rogue after literally 15 years way and I’ve noticed it repeatedly in BG Blitz. I thought I was mis-clicking targets.

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Damn, and I was just saying Blizzard was stupid for getting rid of Shadowstep (which worked 100% of the time) on Outlaw and gave us another charge of Grapple Hook (which works 50% of the time). Looks like they want all the movement abilities for every spec to be dog :poop:

Maybe next patch Sprint will actually lower our movement speed.

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Don’t poke the bear. :grimacing: