Any [written] Language Filter coming in TWW

Many groups speak languages I do not. Curious if there would be a feature coming, perhaps in TWW, that would allow me to filter on groups with specific written language, as to communicate in a MMO.

Getting a mixture of Spanish, Portuguese, French, Chinese, and Korean in parties. I was educated in the US so I only speak one and not even that well at that one.

This exists on EU. So there isn’t really a reason it shouldn’t exist in US.
But with that said I don’t believe French, Chinese and Korean are officially supported in NA. I could be wrong but I thought it was just English, Spanish and Portuguese.


I would have thought it would have French as well for some Canadians. No?

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Oh right.
To be frank, I forgot about them.

Tbh I’m surprised there isn’t some kind of in game translator of sorts.

Like, I think FFXIV does it. Sure it isn’t the best but it’s still readable to the other person.

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That would be cool. Considering we can have real time language translations through our phones, I’m sure it’s doable.

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I wonder if there’s an addon that does it even?

I have an addon that places country flags next to player names in the Premade Group Finder so I can filter them out.

what is the name of this addon?


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the fear of Xenomorphs? those are scary.

Sorry I don’t want to deal with increased latency because an Oceanic player is in my group.

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Erm, ACKSHUALLY, it only sometimes increases your latency, CHUD, so not taking the coin flip and risking an objectively awful experience for yourself and others engaging with this piece of digital entertainment is ACKSHUALLY doing a HECKIN’ RACISM.

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