Any word on paid Xfers?

free transfer or no transfer make better choices.
classic is all about the choices you make and having to live with them you name get dragged into mud well then looks like your gonna have to re-roll start fresh.

enjoy have a nice day

What about us on Earthfury? We did organize and listen to Blizzards warning multiple times and now we’re on a dead server.

Never, reroll.

Having some guy in full BWL gear appear on your server that hasn’t even killed rag yet is beyond stupid.

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Kevin jordan, one of the lead devs of Vanilla WoW responded to a comment like this.

“if you want to play with friends, then reroll and level up. Nothing is stopping you.”

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Are you actually arguing about something that can easily be looked up? I even linked the 2006 gamespot interview about Blizzard offering paid server transfers and how they worked. It’s fine to misremember stuff, but to accuse people of making sh*t up when you’re demonstrably wrong is rather hilarious.



[Q: Will PAID transfers also be a thing should a server drop heavily in population and a player wishes to move to find more activity or reconvene with friends on another server? ]

A: We’re considering integrating a character transfer service once players have reached higher levels. This was available in the original WoW. We’ll look at the rules we imposed at that time and also discuss the implications of players moving to a new realm. We believe realm identity is an important aspect of Classic so any guidelines around transfers should support this belief.

I wouldn’t be so quick to claim that it will “never happen” if I were you, to be honest.

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And ironically the roleplaying realm is the best one now, everyone is very nice and helpful and doesn’t seem to be in a sour mood, maybe because they didn’t have to re-level and weren’t worried about stealing gold or something.

You aren’t friends if you don’t reroll for your friend that’s all I’m saying, there would be no I hate ques and I don’t discussion for my friends because what’s the point of being friends in a video game and not playing the video game together … ???

Fortunately, paid xfers were in vanilla so I am confident we can expect them soon. #nochanges

Q: Will PAID transfers also be a thing should a server drop heavily in population and a player wishes to move to find more activity or reconvene with friends on another server? ]

A: We’re considering integrating a character transfer service once players have reached higher levels. This was available in the original WoW. We’ll look at the rules we imposed at that time and also discuss the implications of players moving to a new realm. We believe realm identity is an important aspect of Classic so any guidelines around transfers should support this belief.

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Q: Will PAID transfers also be a thing should a server drop heavily in population and a player wishes to move to find more activity or reconvene with friends on another server? ]

A: We’re considering integrating a character transfer service once players have reached higher levels. This was available in the original WoW. We’ll look at the rules we imposed at that time and also discuss the implications of players moving to a new realm. We believe realm identity is an important aspect of Classic so any guidelines around transfers should support this belief.

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Like I said Initially transfers were not available in the months after the 2004 launch, let me repeat that Transfers were not available in the first several months of 2004 launch. So guys like me got screwed playing in full servers that kept shutting down and heavily ladden with latency and we had to deal with it or start a new character in a new server. Do i have to spell it out for you, son!

You know what else wasn’t in the first few months of 2004?

Linked auction houses
1.12 talents
Loot table rework
Etc etc

There were many things that we got later on originally that we started with now. Blizzards philosophy is clearly if it was in vanilla it’s game, even if it isn’t quite the same time frame.


The game has been out for two weeks that is why vanilla had them #nochanges. Also,

If you would like to see character services enabled for Classic characters, I encourage you to share your constructive feedback on our official forums.

That is literally from Customer Support.

‘does not work by definition?’

Where in the definition does it say ‘this will not work’?

I think the biggest motivation would be the $25 you’d have to spent every. single. time. unless you’re rich and made of money it’ll add up preeetttyyyy fast.

It is a closed community system per server/realm. You can only get in by rolling fresh and only get out with DELETE. That is the spirit of Vanilla WoW and updates that introduced services to undermine this system broke this sense of community and the spirit of Vanilla WoW.

People who asked and worked for/on classic know this very well. It also has been one of the main controversies surrounding layering.

But they had transfers in vanilla.

Still not sure about your phrasing, which is a seperate subject entirely.

But no biggie.

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Sorry but if you cannot understand the benifits of a closed community and why this was a drive in vanilla, then I cannot help you my friend.
Just repeating that it has been introduced later in Vanilla in a limited fashion is no argument for it. It was and still is one of the reasons to why the community system of the original game was slowly breaking up until today.
If you want to argue against it, bring up some proper points.

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Limited in the sense that they restricted gold and the amount of times you could transfer. Also limited transfers to not allow PvE servers to transfer to PvP servers. There was no restriction on which servers based on population for the paid transfers.

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Just to add this to the growing fire, sure…transfers existed in Vanilla…only long after servers opened and the game released.

Paid transfers now isn’t a vanilla thing, if we want to try that line to push the agenda, you need to wait about 18 months.