Nah, I’m confident that blizzard will roll out paid server transfers eventually. It will be a thing whether you like it or not, no matter how much ya wanna grandstand
It is not and therfore never will be a thing. Stop trolling the forum please…
@Blizzard, to stop this, can you please chime in to help these guys understand and update them accordingly.
Hate to break it to you but it most definitely was a thing and will be a thing. It’s just a matter of when.
Stop living in your fantasy bubble …
If they are truely your real friends then they would stick together and not branch off anyways. If a friend values a character that is leveled over sticking with his other friends then he not a very good friend to begin with.
As far as transfer go, I am highly against this for Classic. You decide to stay on a server that is the server you are forced to stay on. Stop trying to justify a retail service as to “stick with friends”. Anyone that a “lvl’ed character>friend” is not your friend.
They did chime in.
Yes they did and they will do this with realm identity in mind. That being said if it worked anything like it did back then, then only certain servers will be available. Most likely low to medium pop candidates as high and full will be unavailable.
The only restrictions on paid transfers is the level of your character, the amount of gold you can transfer, the frequency at which you can transfer and you have to stay on the same type. PvP to PvP, PvE to PvE etc.
It really depends because back then they have servers that were locked. I remember trying to transfer one of my other friends server in vanilla and I couldn’t because it was locked status.
Oh yeah, definitely. I’m assuming that if a server is already full, they won’t allow people to exacerbate the queues with transfers to that realm.
yeah thats what i was saying so thats the only caveat i guess.
The devs have talked about it, said it was in later Vanilla so I think they will do it sooner than later. Especially with all the people that got separated.
AMEN good sir
wrong…there was a cooldown on xfers yes but there was no restriction on which server you could go to aside from not allowing PvE---->PvP
Honestly I think I may want to swap servers soonish. Kromkrush’s Horde pop SEVERELY outnumbers Ally. It feels like for every Ally there are at least 5 Horde in a zone. I haven’t swapped because I want to wait a bit and see how the server develops but if the trend continues I wouldn’t mind paying to go to a more even pop server.
My experience states otherwise when I called Blizzard about it during vanilla. All they could provide was an apology. So please don’t tell me I’m wrong at something that I experienced first hand back then.
Yeah your anecdotal evidence doesn’t really matter here tbh, the only times they restricted xfers was during free xfers from high to low pop. The paid xfers were always to any server you wanted (as long as you didn’t violate PvE---->PvP).
I disagree but believe what you want to believe. I was not able to back then through my own experience.
I Played wow since day 1 of 2004 launch i dont remember any transfers? I was stuck with several characters across several servers ( WOW was new, alot of trial and error for everyone) and i wasn’t able to transfer any of them. Perhaps some people from some servers were eventually given the option but I can tell you from experience no transfers were offered in the first several months ( If you weren’t their dont pretend that you were Blizzard had so many problems with servers, glitches, overpopulation etc… character transfer didint exist back then). Stop making S#!T UP!
free transfer or no transfer make better choices.
classic is all about the choices you make and having to live with them you name get dragged into mud well then looks like your gonna have to re-roll start fresh.
enjoy have a nice day
What about us on Earthfury? We did organize and listen to Blizzards warning multiple times and now we’re on a dead server.