Any word on Next classic? Will they re-destroy themselves by releasing Cata Classic

So what do you all think, the end of Wow classic with the release of Cata Classic or will they be smart and come up with a Wrath + (not that it would be called that), but something that doesnt go down that Retail road that with Cata was the full beginning of the destruction of Wow as a “good” MMO.


Cata is a thousand times more like Wrath than retail is like Cata


what does that even mean?

It means exactly what it says…Cata is a thousand times more like Wrath than current retail is like Cata


I loves me some rotating alts that post :slight_smile:

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Cata classic basically just means this is just a full re-release schedule instead of having any real potential for something cool. A shame

In all fairness they really have to do Cata first before anything “new and cool” can be added. They need the world revamp to work with so there is room to add in any type of new content. Cata already brings a brand new leveling experience with streamlined quest zones. Some work on the talent trees and the scaling of old raids, like mentioned in the survey, would go a long way to making Cata something really enjoyable.

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Cata is closer to wrath than wrath is to TBC


I hope we don’t get cata classic. I don’t want the world to change so I can do all those quests 1000 more times!!!1111one

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NGL…I like Vanessa’s defias story changes to Westfall way more than Daddy van cleefs. You basically have to wiki the backstory.

vanessa its a few staged scenes with actual voice acting to actually know why the hell we are there. Decent story imo as well.

Wonder if she gets the new costume in cata classic? they didn’t make her a bowl of fruit. But they did change her outfit for human heritage quest in retail.

Metzen is the wild card… We all know what his style was… With him being brought back and the position he is in… Either they are about to do something amazing for retail OR they about to do something amAzing with classic… we win either way!

Any word on Next classic? Will they re-destroy themselves by releasing Cata Classic

We will hear the news at Blizzcon.

Though my expectation for this year for classic next year will be this:

  • Cataclysm Classic

  • Season of [Insert name here] for Classic era, it may depend on the information being revealed, it could either make the Classic+ andies happy and be like “This is it!” or they will get disappointed.

Those clamoring for classic+ will never be happy. Classic+ is an idea, and everyone’s idea is different. There is no one solution to make the masses happy going back rewriting old storylines. You want a new leveling experience? Then reroll in cata and follow the new quest lines and zone changes.

I hope not. Changing the world the way they did in Cata was one of my absolute least favorite things about the game. I’td rather they just leave classic Wrath servers the way they are than move on to Cata, though I’d be cool to have some sort of classic+ type thing going on like more content, more dungeons, more quests, more gear, etc, whatever they coulda just added to wrath after a while as long as it didn’t become cata.


Yeah exactly, and they hate retail but think the same people that made retail will make classic+ so good. I know Metzen is there now, but still he ain’t making classic+ all by himself.


If you enjoy wrath why wouldn’t you like cata???

You guys realize cata is LITERALLY just an expanded wrath of the lich king right??

Not enjoying the world revamp is fair though


Personally, I believe the shift to this narrative storytelling direction (starting in WotLK) was one of the worst decisions Blizzard made for WoW.

WoW works much better as a game set in the Warcraft universe as opposed to a Warcraft game per se.

i don’t respond well to exaggerations

I made this meme for this.

Progression servers (billed as Classic+) and Cata Classic are my predictions.