Any way to request a name get released?

Of all the names i have ever reserved since MoP i have used every single one of them to one extent or another since then. And the ones that fell into disuse after awhile I deleted.

I have a grand total of 3 characters across 3 servers right now with names in reserve. So before you start calling people selfish maybe you should consider that you don’t know enough about me to start making insulting assumptions.

since getting to know you in this thread it still feels accurate so… there is that.

So you feel like you know me after a handful of posts in one thread on a video game forum?

Okay lol

Character names on accounts that have been inactive for the past two expansions automatically become eligible to be used by other characters. We do not assist with releasing character names manually.

So doesn’t matter if char is too low for armory; if that guy is still active on the account, for sometime during two expansions, the name won’t be released.

Nice guild name. :slight_smile:

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that is correct.
Technically the person would just need to log on once every 4ish years and their names are forever locked.

Correct. As long as the person who has the name logs in from time to time it’s theirs until they decide to delete it.

I looked this one up, it’s that the account must be unused for 2 expansions. The names used are then then automatically released.

One more to go, last activity on the name I want on the server I want was apparently attaching a Baby Winston Pet to the account.

They used to do this many years ago. I put in a GM ticket once and the GM released two inactive names that I wanted when my guild was transferring to a different realm.

However, as others have stated (and linked to the relevant support page) they no longer release names manually and instead do some sort of “if it hasn’t been used in two expansions…” thing.

Ty! Its actually quite lonely because the GM went inactive and its literally just his alts and me :sweat_smile:

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i think they announced that they weren’t going to do those requests any longer.

Nobody is “stamping their feet”. Also I never said I was OCD to the point that I couldn’t play my new Druid under a different name. I was saying it’s a name that hasn’t been in use for multiple years and was a character who never even hit level 10. Chances are it will be released next wave. I was just asking if there was a way to request the current situation be looked into and possibly expedited.

Also, I think most would agree that hoarding placeholder names, which you may never even use is much more childish.

Again…take you’re own advice, as you were the first to start posting anything here that can be considered “insulting”.

Yeah, they may have. It looks like it isn’t something they do anymore regardless based off of the link provided earlier in the forum.

They did do a name release at the beginning of BFA. I got several names on Moon Guard and Area 52 that way. They don’t announce it though, it just happens and then you either find out by trying to get a name you wanted and getting it suddenly or checking the forums and seeing someone else did that too. Eventually it gets picked up by WoWhead and MMO-C, but all the good names are usually gone by then.

So if you don’t check the forums regularly, you might miss it. But they do do them still.

And I’m saying there is no way Blizzard is going to take names away from people who have them reserved for future use. No matter how long they have been sitting. That just wouldn’t be fair to the people who thought ahead and reserved the names they wanted. You will just have to wait for it to be released or find an alternate spelling.

Also how is planning ahead childish? That makes literally no sense. Planning ahead is pretty much the exact opposite of that.

You mentioned having over 12 placeholder toons and then changed it to 3 once you realized how weird that sounded. Plus you started bashing people and then cried about the other guy “insulting” you back.

I just feel like you’re someone who has to have a counter argument to everything…even if it contradicts any and everything you’ve previously said.

Then again I’m not a psychologist like you seemingly are.

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No i said I had over a dozen SINCE MoP. Meaning that since i started playing the game i have had that many. Now I have whittled that down to 3.

Read more carefully next time before you start trying to break me down please.

I have a bunch of names reserved also actually. Nothing wrong with that. They had to have done a name release not too long ago though, I tried for a few that I know were taken before and I got them.

How do you check the last time they played that character? The one I’m interested in isn’t even on the armory.