Any way to extract all music?

Is there any way to extract the music from WoW? I know there are soundtracks, but these are only a small fraction of the music. Years ago, I think someone had created a program to extract files from the game data. It would be awesome to have that music playable outside the game, like when I’m working.

I was just riding through Nagrand from Warlords of Draenor, and I was struck by one of the pieces of music. Some great writing there.

(Blizzard, I’d also be happy to pay for a box set of everything.)

Got my zap paddles out. Shooting a thousand volts of wake-up juice into this corpse.

Laedic’s MPQ Editor is what I used. I’m not allowed to include links. But if you google that, you’ll find it.

Almost all of it is on YouTube I think.

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I would probably start with the soundtracks and then come back around to pulling the rest from the game.

I doubt the client music is as high quality.

That’s what I was thinking too. Why not listen to the soundtracks on YouTube?

:cat: :cat2: :cat: